Ett reflexivt syskonskap. En studie om att växa upp tillsammans med fostersyskon
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse how the natural children of foster carers
experience growing up in a foster family. The intention was to gain knowledge about their
everyday life through their own participation, and to make the research questions derive from
their experiences. The Swedish research project “Growing Up With Foster Siblings” built on
empirical material collected via focus groups (17 participants), discussion groups (16 participants),
a (web and postal) questionnaire (684 answers) and 8 qualitative interviews.
The study follows the sociology of childhood and the young people are considered as social
actors participating in interactions, activities and negotiations, which contribute to the construction
of their social world. Children’s competences as well as their constraints are
When a family becomes a foster family the whole family is affected, not in the least the
natural children, who often take an active part in the fostering assignment. The young people’s
experiences vary to a great extent. Some describe their relationships with their foster
siblings as an ordinary sibling relationship or as being friends. Some take responsibility and
care for both their foster siblings wellbeing as well as for their parent’s wellbeing. Several of
them describe how they reflexively mould their own part in the interaction by focusing on the
needs of other family members.
A third of the young people in the study experiences a loss of time and attention from
their parents. This theme has brought the analysis to the question of how the young people
experience their position in the family. In the young people’s descriptions it is noticeable
how important the feeling of being able to affect their own situation, of being an actor, is.
The young persons who have negative experiences (in groups and individual interviews
mostly girls/women) have often described themselves as powerless, with no possibility of
negotiating and affecting their situation.
Many of the young people describe themselves as active and involved in processes
through which relationships in the family are formed. There is no consensus as to their construction
of how a child in a certain age should engage in caring activities. The young people
are involved and implicated in processes that are complex and full of ambiguity.
In line with theories of late modern society where sources of authority are localised within
the individual and to negotiating processes, the children seem to be of the opinion that they
are active agents who themselves decide what to take responsibility for or not. But they do
this in a context. They live within a context where they are expected to behave according to
certain conceptions of in what way a natural child to a parent who foster should act in
relation to their foster siblings but also towards their parents. Expectations interlock with the
active child who engages in processes through which social relationships are formed in the
Göteborgs universitet/University of Gothenburg
Department of Social Work
Institutionen för socialt arbete
Hörsal Sappören Inst f socialt arbete Sprängkullsgatan 23 kl. 09.15
Date of defence
Nordenfors, Monica
Publication type
Doctoral thesis
Series/Report no.