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dc.contributor.authorMustell, Janswe
dc.description.abstractThe network for higher education in sport science have met three times during this project. One of the outcomes of the work has been deeper understanding in how the different programs are built and what learning outcomes they have. The lack of programs in sport science at advanced level is also obvious and there is a need for more cooperation between different universities in the future. More knowledge about the legal rights concerning cooperation between universities is another outcome. The network met an agreement to be better in marketing and giving information about courses and programs on advanced level. Other agreements are to create good foundations for future cooperation through the forms of the courses, for example distribution, length, time and language. More cooperation within courses is also advised.swe
dc.publisherMyndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildningswe
dc.titleNätverk för arbete med den nya utbildnings- och examensstrukturen inom högre utbildning Titel/huvudområde: Idrott och idrottsvetenskaplig utbildningswe
dc.contributor.organizationÖrebro universitetswe

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