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dc.contributor.authorHöög, Jan-Olovswe
dc.contributor.authorPaulsson, Anna-Lenaswe
dc.description.abstractKarolinska Institutet has coordinated one of the NSHU-supported networks on the new higher education and degree structure in Sweden. The network comprised the medical faculties in Sweden and the aim was to share experiences, to disseminate the results of the work, to identify areas in which common solutions are needed and to implement the solutions in the respective organisations. The objective was to facilitate the mobility of students and to guarantee that a graduated student from a Swedish medical faculty is eligible to continue studying at another Swedish or foreign university. The network has worked in line with the aims and all the identified issues have been covered. In some cases the faculties have reached a common solution and yet in other, there still are differences in interpreting the rules and regulations which in the future might result in possible adjustments and alterations. The differences that exist between the faculties are not regarded as being an obstacle to the mobility of students between the degree levels. The participants have considered the work in the network to be of great value and have agreed to continue meeting once a year.swe
dc.publisherMyndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildningswe
dc.titleNätverk för arbete med den nya utbildnings- och examensstrukturen inom högre utbildningswe
dc.contributor.organizationKarolinska institutetswe

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