Nationella nätverket i pedagogik. Rapport till NSHU
The national network in the subject of Educational Science met for the first time in the spring 2006 at Lund University. The purpose of the national network is to discuss curricula and ex-pected learning outcomes in courses, programmes on the first and the second cycle and also entrance requirements to doctorial studies in educational science. In relation to the reform of higher education and the revised Higher Education Ordinance in Sweden the first of July 2007, the network had the opportunity to describe and discuss the local situation on many institutes of higher education both during the planning phase before the implementation date and the experience from the first enrolment to the new courses and programmes in the autumn semester 2007. The national network has a common website, where general information about development work is presented. The website also have an intranet, where the members of the network dis-cuss syllabus, obstacles to study due to different entrance requirements, time schedules etc. The network members have ambitions to join in the collaborative development of courses on the advanced level (second cycle). Many institutes can benefit from common courses, since the total numbers of students willing to attend on that level are small. Also, some institutes lack programmes for doctorial studies in the subject of educational science and hence are obliged to cooperate with the universities. Until October 2007 the network had in all four national meetings. Over twenty institutes of higher education are active members of the network, which during 2007 was sponsored by the Swedish Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education.
Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning
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Petersson, Bengt
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