dc.description.abstract | The Swedish Net University initiated and financed the project Learning Resource Centre on Campus (LRC on campus), which was jointly managed by Stockholm University and Växjö University. The overall aim of this project was to support the development of Learning Recourse Centres (LRC) in institutions of higher education in Sweden. The objective was to identify benefits and characteristics of an LRC and furthermore to promote and stimulate the progress of new, and improved existing LRC s. To reach these objectives a network for exchanging experience, discussing mutual problems and generating ideas was formed. The network consists of representatives from ten higher educational institutions that already gained experience from developing the LRC concept. Questions, for example concerning advantages of different functions in an LRC and how to motivate the existence of one in the institutional context, are raised discussed and documented within the network. The foundation of and the main purpose for an LRC is to support learning for students and teachers, the target groups. To be able to achieve such a purpose the target group s needs must be fulfilled, therefore the networks discussions focused on needs. Surveys and interviews were also carried out as a complement. Some issues for developing a successful LRC were found: A common view on learning should be established at each higher education institution. Learning resources should be developed for the needs of the target groups. Learning resources should be organised and implemented to the benefit of the main users. Local variations in the implementations of Swedish LRC s are found common. This could apply to organisation, available competency and learning resources. At this stage the project has found that it is not possible or beneficial to develop a definition for Swedish LRC s, although some suggestions for common concepts and characteristics are proposed. We believe that it is important to carry on the discussions regarding if and how to further promote the development of LRC s in Sweden. | swe |