dc.description.abstract | This autumn SLU will offer a four-week course for those supervisors that have passed the so-called "Docentkursen" which focuses on the supervision of PhD-students. This new course, called "Från ord till handledning", intends to help the participants develop a deeper understanding of the pedagogical process involved in supervision. Analyses of their own practical experiences will form a foundation from which a deeper theoretical understanding may develop. In the first part of the course the participants will have a dialogue with a pedagogical expert about their own pedagogical situation and experiences. In the second part the participants will develop a supervision policy to be practised at the department. In this work they must involve all persons working with the PhD-education at the department, i.e., the PhD-students must be urged to take part in this work. In connection to the work at the departments, seminars about ethics, leadership, how to handle conflicts, aspects of cultural differences will be arranged on co-operation with Uppsala University. This course is a pilot project to test the form and content described above. During two years six different departments are invited to take part in the course. We will start with two departments during the winter 2001/2002 and then continue with two during the spring 2002 and finally the last two will start their course during the autumn 2002. The course will result in supervision policies to be practised at the departments and each department is also asked to report their policies, and to evaluate the course, to the participants of each years new "Docentkurs". The whole project will be evaluated after the first two years. | swe |