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dc.contributor.authorJontell, Matsswe
dc.contributor.authorTorgersson Olofswe
dc.description.abstractMedView is designed to support the learning process in oral medicine and oral pathology. A clinical database has been created from the referrals and comprises a large variation of clinical cases displayed by images and text based information. The students reach the database through the Internet or other media. They can practice and learn at any convenient time. MedView contains search tools to explore the database and the student can study single cases or analyse various clinical parameters. MedView has dramatically changed the education in oral medicine and pathology. Traditional lectures has been abandon in favour of self-learning material using gathered clinical cases which reflects a full panorama of problems related to oral medicine and pathology.swe
dc.publisherMyndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildningswe
dc.subjectComputerised teachingswe
dc.subjectoral medicineswe
dc.subjectoral pathologyswe
dc.titleMedview - a computerised teaching aid in oral medicine and oral pathologyswe
dc.contributor.organizationGöteborgs universitetswe

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