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dc.contributor.authorAdeteg, Martinswe
dc.contributor.authorSöderholm, Danielswe
dc.description.abstractAbstract Background We both posess a great deal of interest in the Swedish language, and especially in how it develops and changes by its users. As up and coming educationalists it is both intresting and important to examine how the youth of today uses their domestic language. This report will illustrate in which way discourse particles function in the exchange of words that occurs in the Swedish documenatary Klass 9A, which was aired on SVT. The purpose of the report The purpose of our report is to gain a greater understanding of how the youth of today expresses themselves, and to examine what the logic is in the way they use discourse particles. Method Since we have access to all of the episodes of Klass 9A we have been able to take advantage of this by thoroughly examine every episode. During the process of analysing we have been able to return to the episodes. That made it possible for us to make sure that our analysis was correctly done. That would not have been possible if we did not have the recordings of Klass 9A to our aid. Theories We have used respected language researchers and their theories as the foundation of our report. The language researchers have all done research in the field of how the youth speaks today. Result In results we show how the students and teachers in Klass 9A used discourse particles. We also show what function the discourse particles had in the sentences.The top five used functions were underlining-, turn taking-, focusing-, exemplifying- and delimiting markers. Discussion Our analysis showed that we could determine every discourse particle to a specific function. All discourse particles in the material from Klass 9A acted as a marker for a function. We have also seen in the material from Klass 9A that a student easily changed the use of a discourse particle to a word that was more suiting to the teachers taste. Furthermore we discuss how a teacher should teach under the guidance of the manual in form of Läroplanen för det obligatoriska skolväsendet (Lpo94). We also give examples of a lesson that contains of guidelines for when it is either suiting or not to use discourse particle and in what contexts.swe
dc.subjectKlass 9Aswe
dc.titleTyp alltså/ett arbet om utfyllnadsordswe
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Sociologiska institutionenswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essayswe

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