Department of Conservation / Institutionen för kulturvård: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 81-100 av 613
BJÖRNGRAVEN FRÅN KARATS En explorativ studie av arkeologiskt benmaterial och dess betydelse i den samiska religionen
(2021-03-11)This thesis is an exploratory study of a Sámi Bear Grave found on a small island in lake Karats, Jokkmokk in 1983. The grave was excavated in 1986 and put on display at Ájtte, Swedish Mountain and Sámi Museum in Jokkmokk. ... -
Morfologiska egenheter och vegetativa förökningsmetoder - en studie av ormbunksväxter
(2021-01-28)This thesis investigates the possibility of linking together morphological peculiarities with specific methods of vegetative propagation. Through close examination of the morphology of Matteuccia struthiopteris the ... -
Byte av fotträ i korsvirke En intervjustudie om lyft och friläggning av fotträ i korsvirkeskonstruktioner
(2021-01-28)This thesis adress the procedure for replacing the sill in south swedish timber-framed buildings, (also named korsvirke in Swedish, bindingsværk in Danish and fackwerk in German) with a focus on lifting the construction ... -
MATERIAL DESIRES Mapping professional awareness and understanding of LGBT heritage in Sweden
(2021-01-19)The field of heritage has increasingly involved itself with discussions of representation and inclusivity. Playing a major part in the construction, preservation and management of cultural heritage, the role of the heritage ... -
Arenorna En studie om planeringen av Göteborgs nya evenemangsområde och arenornas ställning inom kulturvården
(2021-01-13)During the course of study at the program in Integrated Conservation of Built Environments, thoughts have been raised in various contexts about how we within the field of integrated conservation can justify for what we ... -
JACOBSBERG - EN TRÄDGÅRD GLÖMD I TIDEN En fallstudie om en bortglömd trädgård på Gotland & dess bevarande
(2020-11-03)This thesis is a case study of a forgotten garden called Jacobsberg on the island of Gotland, Sweden. The garden was built by the enigmatic couple Anna and Jacob Dubbe during the first decades of the 19th century and it ... -
ANANASODLING I SVERIGE PÅ 1700- OCH 1800-TALET En studie av odlingsmetoder
(2020-10-28)In the 18th century a pineapple craze was spreading through Europe pushing the boundaries of horticulture to its edge in hope to be the first to successfully grow this precious fruit. It was the Dutch who found success ... -
Klockstaplar från 1700-talet Konstruktion och byggprocess
(2020-10-27)Calling for a church service by bell ringing has a long history in Sweden. In order for the sound to be heard as far as possible, it was most natural to hang them in the church tower. Large, cast bells first appeared in ... -
THE 200-YEAR CRAFTSMAN - Preserving Cultural Heritage and Garden Craftsmanship in Kyoto, Japan.
(2020-10-12)This thesis cover the process and results of a case study that was made in Kyoto, Japan in 2019. The intention is to produce an example of how cultural heritage preservation in a culturally important garden might be ... -
Tillämpning av evidensbaserad design vid gestaltning av två trädgårdsrum på GreveGarden
(2020-10-06)Mental illness is rising dramatically in Sweden and accounts for as much as 46 % of all ongoing sick leave. Studies show that between 2011 and 2017, the increase due to psychiatric afflictions was 129 %, with the vast ... -
KARLSTADS STADSTRÄDGÅRD -Historisk dokumentation och bevarandeplan för det ursprungliga trädbeståndet
(2020-10-06)The interest in Karlstad´s city garden, began as a personal connection and a curiosity for its history. The purpose of this thesis is to compile a historical documentation that covers the entire history of Karlstad´s city ... -
RHODODENDRONDALEN – OAS I INGENMANSLAND Fallstudie av en trädgårdsmästares parkdröm
(2020-09-22)This study focuses on the history of Rhododendrondalen, its plant material and suggestions for how to care for the area in the future. Rhododendrondalen is situated on the east side of mountain Billingen just outside central ... -
(2020-09-16)The aim of the thesis is to examine handbooks of horticulture concerning the subjects involved with kitchen gardening during the period of 1830 – 1930. To develop a more thorough investigation and to be able to compare ... -
BESKÄRNING AV LINDHÄCK VINTERTID - tre fallstudier i kulturhistorisk miljö
(2020-09-16)Lime tree hedges and other architectural compositions of this plant material have historically been a part of the visual aspects in and surrounding cultural heritage environments in Sweden and continue to be a part of them ... -
Ullgrens sallat En fallstudie av ett framgångsrikt småskaligt odlingsföretag byggt på hantverksmässig kunskap
(2020-09-16)This thesis is a case study of Ullgrens handelsträdgård, a small-scale market garden which successfully produces vegetables, mainly salad, and has done so since 1945. The production is primarily done by hand with a minimum ... -
Trädgården vid von Echstedtska gården En trädgårdshistorisk undersökning med åtgärdsförslag
(2020-09-16)The garden at von Echstedtska gården A historical overview and proposal to restore a historical garden The present essay is a study of von Echstedtska gården, a cultural-historical environment located in the Kila parish, ... -
ODLINGSSUBSTRAT FÖR KRUKVÄXTER Ur ett historiskt och hantverksmässigt perspektiv
(2020-09-16)Growing potted plants indoors and in greenhouses brings special demands on the growing media. The gardeners of the 19th century depended on ingredients for their growing medias that could be found in the nearby nature or ... -
KINNEKULLEBANANS JÄRNVÄGSPARKER Undersökning och kulturhistorisk värdering av stationerna Blomberg, Forshem och Österäng
(2020-09-16)This thesis aims at examining three Swedish railway parks along Kinnekullebanan, in the context of the landscaping activities carried out by both the local privately owned narrowgauge railway companies and the Swedish State ... -
MOSIPPA (Pulsatilla vernalis) Att föröka en hotad art ex-situ
(2020-09-16)The purpose of my research has been to collect and report the propagation method around the threatened species Spring pasque flower (Pulsatilla vernalis), and to form a template for what a propagation manual could look ... -
A Passion Flower in The Museum Building Considerations for the Conservation of a Performance Artwork with a Material Component
(2020-09-02)The thesis investigates and discusses performance art within a museum context and from a conservator’s perspective. It is done by the case study of a performance artwork entitled The Passion Flower, created by the Swedish ...