Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 536
Landskapet nu och då - en kulturhistorisk analys av hagmark utifrån historiskt kartmaterial
(2021-08-10)The aim of this thesis is to show how historical maps can be an important component in identifying and interpreting the ecological and cultural-historical values of a landscape. During the months of June and July in 2020, ... -
ATT KRITA ELLER INTE KRITA – DET ÄR FRÅGAN En undersökning kring kritning av hällristningar i Tanum, Brastad och Lundby med fokus på bevarandeproblematik
(2021-07-16)Based on the results obtained from this study, no traces of chalk can be seen with the naked eye or through chemical analyzes of samples from rock carving premises that were chalked at least 4 years ago. Chalk consists ... -
The Choirproject Considerations for the storage of a composite contemporary artwork: Tilda Lovell’s The Choirproject
(2021-07-16)This thesis investigates alternatives for storing of the contemporary artwork Tilda Lovell’s artwork The Choirproject by artist Tilda Lovell. The piece consists of a video and nine sculptures in composite materials, ... -
Conservation of Lace – To Conserve and Support Guipure Lace
(2021-07-16)The purpose of this dissertation is to increase knowledge about how to best conserve and support broken bridges in guipure lace, a type of lace that has no net ground. The focus is to investigate what conservation methods ... -
OLJEMÅLERI PÅ PAPPER Undersökning av material och tillstånd hos en målning av Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann
(2021-07-16)This study contains an investigation of a 19th century oil painting on paper by Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann, which is mounted on a secondary support of cardboard. The paint layer appears to be in good condition, but the ... -
(2021-06-28)The thesis investigates a city street, Borganäsvägen in the city of Borlänge Sweden and how traces, as palimpsest, memories and stories in and of the urban landscape can be a part of building the cultural heritage of the ... -
Bergs äppelgård - den kommersiella ekologiska fruktodlingens pionjärer i Sverige
(2021-06-23)This bachelor thesis is a study of Bergs äppelgård, an experimental organic pomiculture situated in Hallstahammar, Västmanland. The first fruit trees were planted in 1993 by Berit and Göran Erlandsson, former owners of ... -
Tillgänglighetsanordningar - En jämförelse mellan Tivedens nationalpark och Varbergaskogens naturreservat
(2021-06-21)This essay studies two protected natural environments who have made new constructions to expand the visitor experience. The construction varies between being a platform where visitors can rest in the national park to ... -
"Att göra staden lite mindre dum" - En studie i drivkrafterna hos odlare vid tre olika stadsodlingsprojekt i Göteborg
(2021-06-21)In just a few years more than half of the world’s population will live in urban city areas: with the growing populations of cities and the rising obstacles to agriculture in the form of climate change, water shortage and ... -
Brukshästkörning som immateriellt kulturarv
(2021-06-21)This study is about the knowledge of driving and working with working horses and how this knowledge could be considered as an intangible cultural heritage. Today, the knowledge on how to work with horses, as well as the ... -
Komposttillverkning i biointensiva odlingar - en undersökning med fyra fallstudier
(2021-06-21)Biointensive farming is a farming method that gives a high yield of vegetables in a small area. It is a method that strives to benefit the soil health and biodiversity with a large variety of crops, less use of machinery ... -
Drottning Victorias vilohem - En trädgårdshistorisk undersökning av en park- och trädgårdsanläggning från 1800-talet
(2021-06-21)Queen Victoria opened a rest home for elderly women close to Borgholm, Öland, in 1924. The building was erected during the mid–19th Century by the tenant Carl Hultenberg, who at the time also laid out a garden and an ... -
Substratblandningar för krukodlade perenner: en fallstudie av två plantskolisters val av odlingssubstrat
(2021-06-21)Container grown herbaceous perennials require substrates that differ from soil grown ones in terms of drainage, bulk density and pore space. A case-study of two experienced nursery grower’s substrate mixes have been done ... -
Hamlade träds värde: trädets roll inom olika miljöer
(2021-06-21)The question about value is an ever going subject. This paper aims to conduct a case study on selected environments that has to do with pollard trees and compare different approaces regarding these trees and their value. ... -
Flygfotografi som historisk källa: en fallstudie av köksväxtodlingens förekomst och utveckling i villaträdgårdar i Mariestad år 1961 och 1976
(2021-06-21)Utilising aerial photography as a source material, this case study of image analysis examins the occurrence, appearance and development of kitchen gardening in residential garden sites in Mariestad in Sweden between the ... -
Den älskade och bortkastade tulpanen: En studie i faktorer och skötselinsatser för tulpanlökens återblomning i svenska trädgårdar
(2021-06-21)Tulip bulbs are often said to reflower poorly and are therefore being discarded after flowering. Since I have seen tulips reflower during several years in the same location, I wanted to investigate what this assertion is ... -
Stadsutveckling och gentrifieringsproblematik i områden med kulturhistorisk bebyggelse -Med Gårda som fallstudie
(2021-06-15)Gårda is an area, east of the central part of Gothenburg. It is a district with an industrial background from the 19th century with factories and working-class homes from that era still standing today. The area has seen ... -
VÄGFÄRJANS KRITISKA VÄRDEN - Vägfärjans betydelse för uppfattningen om platsidentitet i ett skärgårdslandskap
(2021-06-15)This thesis aims to increase the knowledge on how inhabitants of the Öckerö municipality values their existing ferry connection and why, as well as to find out whether a fixed connection will affect their sense of place. ... -
Skarvning av stående panel
(2021-04-26)This thesis examines and describes methods for splicing vertical wood siding when renovating and repairing it. This is a common procedure, but it is not described to a great extent in Swedish literature. The work process ... -
Traditionell timring - En studie kring en förindustriella verktyglåda
(2021-04-19)This work brings up the subject of importance in the use of traditional tools in the process of making timber buildings. Who they were, what they looked like, their usage and if there is any connection between usage and ...