Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1241-1260 av 1728
Skolordlistan i ny tappning
(Nordisk forening for leksikografi i samarbeit med Nordisk språksekretariat, 2005)Svensk skolordlista. Utarbetad av Svenska Akademien och svensk språknämnden. 4. uppl. Stockholm: Norstedts ordbok 2004. -
Elektroniska ordböcker i Sverige: nutid och framtid
(Nordisk forening for leksikografi i samarbeit med Nordisk språksekretariat, 2005)The article Swedish electronic dictionaries: the present and the future aims at a survey of the state of art concerning electronic dictionaries in Sweden. The focus is on CD-ROM dictionaries, mainly defining ones, and their ... -
Förord - LexicoNordica 12 – 2005
(Nordisk forening for leksikografi i samarbeit med Nordisk språksekretariat, 2005) -
Historiske ordbøger
(Nordisk forening for leksikografi i samarbeit med Nordisk språksekretariat, 2006) -
SAOB ett steg närmare målet
(Nordisk forening for leksikografi i samarbeit med Nordisk språksekretariat, 2006)Ordbok över svenska språket utgiven av Svenska Akademien. Band 34: TALL–TOJS. Lund: Gleerups 2005. -
Knut Ströms scenografi och bildvärld. Visualisering i tid och rum
(2010-11-24)A pioneer in his field, Knut Ström (1887–1971) was a Swedish scenographer and director, who became the first professional scenographer in Sweden. He had an early international career in Düsseldorf during the 1910s but later ... -
Ett annat flickrum. Kön, ålder och sexualitet i Maria Lindbergs, Anna Maria Ekstrands och Helene Billgrens flickbilder
(2010-11-19)Avhandlingens utgår från två grundantaganden: att barndomen konstrueras genom olika typer av meningsskapande processer och att bildkonst har en lång tradition av att bidra till detta. Avhandlingen undersöker tre ... -
Har Närpesdialekten ordaccent?
(2001) -
SweDia 2000: A Swedish Dialect Database
(Department of Linguistics / Institutionen för lingvistik, 2004) -
Bergsmän och tackjärnspatroner. Perspektiv på industrialiseringsprocessen 1810 – 1900
(2010-11-03)This thesis studies the preconditions for the industrialization of the Swedish iron industry in Lekebergslagen in the county of Närke. It focuses on the Bergsman and the ironworks, and on the division of production between ... -
Makt och samhälle: politisk ekonomi under bronsåldern i Karpaterbäckenet
(2010-11-03)This thesis examines social power in tell-building societies during the Early and Middle Bronze Age (circa 2200 to 1400 BC) in the Carpathian Basin. The interpretative framework is based on the notion that social power ... -
The crown of Arsinoë II. The creation and development of an imagery of authority
(2010-10-29)This study deals with a unique crown that was created for Queen Arsinoë II. The aim is to identify and understand the symbolism that is embedded in each pictorial detail that together form the crown and how this reflects ... -
Kvinnovärldar och barnamord. Makt, ansvar och gemenskap i rättsprotokoll ca 1700 - 1840
(2010-10-26)The main purpose of the thesis is to examine how women, through women worlds, were able to execute power and responsibility during the 18th and 19th centuries. The main source of the investigation has been court records ... -
Klädd i sitt språk. Kritikern Olof Lagercrantz
(2010-10-22)This dissertation concerns the Swedish writer and critic Olof Lagercrantz, who served as both editor-in-chief and as cultural editor of one of Sweden’s major daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter, between 1951 and 1975. It ... -
English at Work. The communicative situation of engineers
(2010)In the formation of globally operating European or international business corporations, an increasing number of Swedish companies have been sold to owners abroad in recent years. This often implies that their head office ... -
Jesusbilden i samtiden: Ungdomars receptioner av nio samtida Kristusbilder
(2010-09-30)This dissertation focuses on the reactions of sixteen young men and women to nine two-dimensional images of Christ in a multi-religious context. For purposes of analysis, these reactions are then placed in critical dialogue ... -
Improvisation and Pedagogy through Heinrich Scheidemann's Magnificat Settings
(2010-09-29)ABSTRACT Doctoral dissertation in musicology, artistic-creative programme, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2010, 302 pages Author: Karin Nelson Title: Improvisation and Pedagogy through Heinrich Scheidemann’s Magnificat ... -
Karleby Godagården : Undersökningar av en neolitisk boplats 2006
(Västergötlands museum, 2007) -
Resolving power of search keys in MedEval, a Swedish medical test collection with user groups: doctors and patients
(2010-09-17)This thesis describes the making of a Swedish medical text collection, unique in its kind in providing a possibility to choose user group: doctors or patients. The thesis also describes a series of pilot studies which ...