Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 1728
Bohuslänska fisknamn /
(1992) -
Forensic comparison of voices, speech and speakers – Tools and Methods in Forensic Phonetics
(2017-05-16)This thesis has three main objectives. The first objective (A) includes Study I, which investigates the parameter fundamental frequency (F0) and its robustness in different acoustic contexts by using different measures. ... -
Contributions to the Metamathematics of Arithmetic: Fixed Points, Independence, and Flexibility
(2017-05-11)This thesis concerns the incompleteness phenomenon of first-order arithmetic: no consistent, r.e. theory T can prove every true arithmetical sentence. The first incompleteness result is due to Gödel; classic generalisations ... -
Med dubbla syften. Forum för kvinnliga forskare, aktivism och statsfeminism 1975–1995
(2017-05-09)Abstract Ph.D. dissertation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2017 Title: Med dubbla syften: Forum för kvinnliga forskare, aktivism och statsfeminism 1975–1995 English title: With a Dual Purpose: Forum for Women Scholars, ... -
Digital humaniora i Norden. Göteborg, March 14–16 2017. Book of abstracts
(Göteborgs universitet, 2017) -
Extraction from relative clauses in Swedish
(2017-04-18)This dissertation presents an empirical study of extraction from relative clauses (ERC) in Swedish, where a phrase outside a relative clause (RC) is related to a gap or a resumptive pronoun inside the RC. The aim of the ... -
Svenskans beskrivning 35. Förhandlingar vid trettiofemte sammankomsten. Göteborg 11–13 maj 2016.
(Institutionen för svenska språket, 2017-04)Sedan 1963 har det vid olika universitet i Sverige och Finland regelbundet arrangerats sammankomster för svenskans beskrivning. Forskningsprojekt och forskningsresultat om svenska språket har presenterats och diskuterats. ... -
Truth and Proof in the Long Run: Essays on Trial and-Error Logics
(2017-03-17)The theme of this book is convergence. For many philosophical representations of the evolution of theories, as well as representations of the meaning of the language used to express these theories, it has been essential ... -
Inflätat och överlappande. Flerspråkighet och språkanvändning bland svensktalande ungdomar i Europa
(2017-03-01)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and extended knowledge about the multilingualism and language use of teenagers with Swedish backgrounds who live abroad and participate in Swedish ... -
Från utvald till utbildad – Persona i utredningar om svensk forskarutbildning 1945-2004
(2017-02-28)The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how the doctoral student has been portrayed in official government reports concerning Swedish research training from 1945 to 2004. In this dissertation, the concept of scientific ... -
Somali Language and Linguistics: A Bibliography
(Department of Languages and Literatures, University of Gothenburg, 2016) -
Religionens varp och trasor
(Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2016-12)En festskrift till Åke Sander