Now showing items 301-320 of 1728

    • Arkeologiska utgrävningar av bildstensplatser 

      Andreef, Alexander (Gotlands museum, 2012)
      Kaptitel publicerat i boken Gotlands bildstenar - Järnålderns gåtfulla budbärare Chapter published in the book Gotland's picture stones - Bearers of an Enigmatic Legacy
    • Imaging picture stones: Comparative studies of rendering techniques 

      Andreeff, Alexander; Potter, Rich (Institutionen för historiska studier, 2014)
    • De slaviska språken i Göteborg 

      Ljunggren, Magnus (Göteborgs universitet, 2014)
    • Det politisk-teologiska komplexet: Fyra kapitel om Carl Schmitts sekularitet 

      Falk, Hjalmar (2014-11-20)
      In 1922, the German jurist Carl Schmitt (1888–1985) wrote that “all significant concepts of modern state theory are secularized theological concepts”. He qualified this statement by describing the connection between theology ...
    • The Game of Health Search 

      Eklund, Ann-Marie (2014-10-31)
      Almost two of three Swedes use internet to search for health related information on diseases, treatments and care givers. Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are increasingly used to carry out these activities, ...
    • Alma Natura, Ars Severa; Expanses and Limits of Craft in Henry David Thoreau 

      Otterberg, Henrik (2014-10-30)
      The American naturalist, philosopher and writer Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) lived and wrote in a time of vibrant change. During his short life his rural Concord, a small satellite town to Boston, Massachusetts, was ...
    • Vowel-Zero Alternations in West Slavic Prepositions: A Corpus Based Investigation of Polish, Slovak and Czech 

      Nilsson, Morgan (2014-10-17)
      The aim of this thesis is to investigate the scope of the vowel―zero alternations in prepositions in the three major West Slavic languages, i.e. Polish, Slovak and Czech, and to formulate, within the Government Phonology ...
    • Korpblickar – om möjliga ingångar med sökverktyget Korp 

      Grahn, Inga-Lill (Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs universitet, 2014)
    • Meningens motstånd. 29 studenters perspektiv på humaniora 

      Alarcón, Meri; Amundsen Bergström, Matilda; Kaveh, Tania; Pettersen, Vilde Andrea; Jagemark, Lisa; Karlsson, Moa; Juliusson, Carl Magnus; Leffler, Olof; Vikström, Ylva; Andersson, Alexander; Allzén, Simon; Wollter, Sebastian; Lindbo, Johanna; Ramberg, Jens; Lindh, Mattias; Westberg, Anders; Wedin, Robert; Martinsson, Lars; Emanuelsson, Jimmy; Kostenniemi, Peter; Egerzon, Tobias; Svensson, Therese; Jirenfelt, Helena; Lindström, Miranda; Falk, Linus; Möller, Mirjam; Kåregård, Ingrid; Lingaas Türk, Johanna; Andersson, Martin; Andersson, Viktor (Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2014-10-05)
      Många röster har på senare tid uppmärksammat att dagens humaniora är i kris. Marginaliserad av en ointresserad offentlighet, ifrågasatt av andra vetenskapliga discipliner, stundtals betvivlad även av humanister själva. Men ...
    • Pop, Literatur und Autorschaft. Literarische Strategien und Inszenierungen bei Wolfgang Welt, Rocko Schamoni und Rafael Horzon 

      Menke, André (2014-09-10)
      This thesis explores the resonance of German so-called ‘pop literature’ after the turn of the millennium, both theoretically and in three literary analyses. Despite the proclaimed ‘end of pop literature’ that was discussed ...
    • Enthymemes in Dialogue: A micro-rhetorical approach 

      Breitholtz, Ellen (2014-09-03)
      In dialogue we frequently present arguments which are based on commonly accepted non-logical inferences. In rhetorical theory, this type of argument is called an enthymeme, and a pattern of reasoning that it is based on ...
    • Becoming vitrified 

      Ihr, Anna (2014-09-02)
      This thesis is designed to make a study with special emphasis in high temperature production. Two case studies are included that are geographically separated but united by the occurrence of vitrification; a material which ...
    • Modala hjälpverb i språkhistorisk belysning 

      Lagervall, Marika (2014-08-29)
      In this thesis, the syntactic and morphological characteristics of modal verbs in Swedish have been investigated in order to identify and examine the changes these verbs have undergone. The survey was conducted as a ...
    • Översättning i nationens tjänst. J.L. Runeberg och de centralsydslaviska folksångerna 

      Bjelobaba, Sonja (2014-08-22)
      This thesis investigates the relationship between Johan Ludvig Runeberg and the Central South Slavic oral songs that he had read in the collection Serbische Volkslieder (1827), translated into German by Peter Otto von ...
    • Sverige 1810: Befolkning, jordbruk, skog, jordägande 

      Linde, Martin; Palm, Lennart Andersson (Göteborgs universitet. Institutionen för historiska studier, 2014-08)
    • Kultur och hälsa. Ett vidgat perspektiv 

      Sigurdson, Ola; Priebe, Gunilla; Sager, Morten; Bernhardsson, Katharina; Brodén, Daniel (Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2014)
      Vad är kultur och hälsa? I Kultur och hälsa: ett vidgat perspektiv presenteras det högaktuella forskningsfältet utifrån ett brett och mångvetenskapligt perspektiv. Boken tar upp grundfrågor som: vilka innebörder har ...
    • I skuggan av en borg. Vardag och fest på Krapperups gods 1881-1995 

      Nyström, Lillemor (2014-05-27)
      ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014 Title: I skuggan av en borg. Vardag och fest på Krapperups gods 1881–1995 English title: In the shadow of a castle. Everyday life and parties at the ...
    • ”Herravälde. Är det bara killar eller?” Andraspråksläsare möter lärobokstexter i historia för gymnasieskolan. 

      Olvegård, Lotta (2014-05-23)
      This thesis explores and characterizes Swedish high school students’ encounters with history textbook texts, with a focus on students having Swedish as their second language. Reading history textbooks entails comprehending ...
    • Hårt arbete och sträng vila 

      Rosqvist, Bodil (2014-05-21)
      The objective of this thesis is to investigate collocations (like hard work) from the lexicographical and lexicological perspectives. In the lexicographical study the general role of collocations in dictionaries is discussed, ...
    • Strategier för framgång. Marie Sophie Schwartz som föregångskvinna 

      Kolbe, Gunnlög (Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2014-04-30)