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dc.contributor.authorJohansson, Per
dc.description.abstractPollution in the natural aquatic environment is erratic and manifests as temporary increments of chemical concentrations, pulses. Traditional ecotoxicological testing does not consider intermittent exposures and does not consider the post-exposure period even though latent effects may occur. Sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima, L.) was exposed to pulses of seven antifouling compounds with different mechanisms of action and marine periphyton were exposed to pulses of a photosystem-II inhibitor and a sterol synthesis inhibitor. Effects of pulsed exposure that did not appear until after the end of exposure were observed in both systems. The pollution history of periphyton communities was found to alter the effect of the exposure of both irgarol and clotrimazole but with dissimilar consequences. Even brief pulses of chemical pollution needs to be considered as latent effects may appear. Sequences of pulsed exposures are hypothesised to differ in toxicity depending on whether the ecological mechanisms of action of the toxicants are similar or dissimilar. Keywords: Pulsed exposure, Saccharina latissima, periphyton, sequential exposure.en
dc.relation.haspartI. Effects of seven antifouling compounds on photosynthesis and inorganic carbon utilisation in sugar kelp, Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus) - Submitted to Archives of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistryen
dc.relation.haspartII. Pulsed exposure of irgarol or clotrimazole affects community structure differently depending on periphyton sampling site - Manuscripten
dc.titleEffects of intermittent exposure of marine pollutants on sugar kelp and periphytonen
dc.type.sveplicentiate thesisen
dc.gup.defenceSeminarium kommer att hållas tisdagen den 17. februari kl 15.15 i föreläsningssalen vid Institutionen för Växt och Miljövetenskaper, Carl Skottsbergs gata 22b, Göteborgs Universitet.

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