Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 60
Immortality through Art: The Evolution of a Decadent Theme in Four Novels within and beyond the Fin de Siècle
(2013-06-05)Abstract Stajic Löfgren, Tia. Immortality through Art: The Evolution of a Decadent Theme in Four Novels within and beyond the Fin de Siècle. University of Gothenburg: Department of Languages and Literatures, 2012. This ... -
La syllepse. Étude d'une figure de rhétorique dans l'œuvre de Francis Ponge
(2013-05-23)This doctoral dissertation deals with the figure of speech called “syllepsis” and, more particularly, with the way it is used in the work of the French poet Francis Ponge (1899-1988). The aim of the study is to highlight ... -
Zu Form- und Funktionsvariation der Gesprächspartikeln HM, JA, OKAY und NEIN und ihren schwedischen Entsprechungen in der Chat-Kommunikation
(2013-04-11)This thesis investigates the communication in one German and one Swedish chat room on the internet. The aim is to find out how the specific conditions of the communication influence the use of certain linguistic forms ... -
The Ndengeleko Language of Tanzania
(2013-03-06)This dissertation describes the Ndengeleko language of Tanzania, in particular the phonology and morphology in the noun and verb phrase. This Bantu language, spoken by approximately 72,000 people, has not been the subject ... -
Zwischen ”Mittsommerreigen” und ”Höllenspektakel”: Bilder von Schweden und ihr Einfluss auf Rezensionen im deutschen Feuilleton der 1990er Jahre
(2012-05-16)Abstract Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 9 June, 2012 Title: Zwischen „Mittsommerreigen” und „Höllenspektakel”: Bilder von Schweden und ihr Einfluss auf Rezensionen im deutschen Feuilleton ... -
El uso de combinaciones de palabras con que en un corpus de aprendices suecos de español como lengua extranjera
(2012-05-07)Previous research in phraseological studies has approached the difficulties that learners of foreign and second languages have to produce word combinations derived from idiomatic- or phraseological principles. Using the ... -
Erfolgreiches Deutschlernen durch CLIL? Zu Lexikon und Kommunikationsstrategien in mündlicher L3 schwedischer Schüler mit bilingualem Profil
(2011-08-19)This thesis investigates the spoken L3 German of Swedish CLIL learners in lower secondary school (grades 8-9) in comparison to Swedish non-CLIL controls and German native speakers; its main objective is to investigate ... -
Actitudes hacia la variedad caló. Un estudio sociolingüístico de adolescentes andaluces
(2011-05-23)Caló is a language/variety spoken by the Spanish Calé (i.e. the Roma). The variety belongs to a group of languages referred to as “Para-Romani”, characterized by Romani vocabulary, but largely non-Romani morphology, phonology ... -
De Inconexis Continuum - A Study of the Late Antique Latin Wedding Centos
(2011-05-06)The kind of literature that is called cento is studied in this thesis with a special focus on two late antique Latin wedding poems, Cento Nuptialis written by Ausonius in the late 4th century A.D., and Epithalamium ... -
Tag Questions in Fiction Dialogue
(2011-04-19)This study investigates the use of tag questions (TQs) in British English fiction dialogue by making comparisons to spoken conversation. Data has been retrieved from two subcorpora of the British National Corpus (BNC): a ... -
La Poétique de Houellebecq : réalisme, satire, mythe
(2011-04-15)This thesis sets out to explore French writer Michel Houellebecq’s poetics of the novel. It is advanced in the introduction that Houellebecq’s work could be read against the novelist’s 1997 suggestion that “if somebody ... -
Durch Zweisprachigkeit schneller ans Ziel? Zu Leseverständnis und Lexikonerwerb bi- und monoligualer Deutschlerner der schwedischen Oberstufe
(2011-04-05)This thesis provides an analysis of bilingual immigrant high school students learning their first year of German as a foreign language (L3, L4, L5 etc.) and compares them with a monolingual control group, with the aim of ... -
Geschlechtsübergreifende Personenbezeichnungen. Eine Referenz- und Relevanzanalyse an Texten
(2010-08-23)This thesis deals with patterns of variation in the usage of gender-inclusive personal nouns in contemporary German texts. The aim is to examine the existence and shape of such patterns on the basis of textual analyses. ... -
National Theatre and the 20th Century Irish Dream Play
(2010-05-06) -
Linguistic Landshapes. A comparison of official and non-official language management in Rwanda and Uganda, focusing on the position of African languages
(2010-05-06)This thesis is a macro-sociolinguistic study and comparison of language status and use in Rwanda and Uganda. The data was collected in fieldwork. The study covers the main formal domains in society, both official and ... -
Fantastique et révolte chez Jean Muno et Hugo Raes
(2010-02-03)This thesis examines the thematic of revolt in the work of two Belgian writers, Jean Muno (1924-1988), French-speaking, and Hugo Raes (1929-), Dutch-speaking. It is not a comparative study of their texts; the differences ... -
Zur Absurdität und Relativität im Werk Reinhard Lettaus
(2009-12-15)This study focuses on the thematic and narrative continuity of the literary prose work of the German writer Reinhard Lettau (1929-1996). Reinhard Lettau published six pieces of literary prose, including experimental short ... -
Poiski Rusi nevidimoj. Kitezskaja legenda v russkoj kul'ture. 1843-1940
(2009-11-20)This doctoral dissertation examines the legend of the invisible city of Kitezh, its development and the role that it played in Russian culture between the years 1843 and 1940. It was during this period that the original ... -
Die Funktion der Bibel in Brechts Parabelstück Der gute Mensch von Sezuan und in zwei seiner Vorlagen
(Tönning : Der Andere Verlag, 2009-10-18)The Bible has had a considerable impact on Brecht’s literary production, which is already verified by scholars such as Reinhold Grimm and G. Ronald Murphy. However little attention has been paid to the influence of the ... -
The Subtitling of Discourse Particles. A corpus-based study of well, you know, I mean, and like, and their Swedish translations in ten American films
(2009-09-24)The aim of the present study is to investigate the four discourse particles (DPs) well, you know, I mean, and like, and their Swedish subtitle translations. This is done in order to see to what extent it is possible to ...