Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 118
The Making of Martyrs. Uprising, Cultural Sacralization and Death in Downtown Cairo after 2011
(2018-10-09)This dissertation is aimed to better understand the multifaceted and contested narratives of the 2011 Egyptian uprising by exploring the visual and material cultural representations of selected events in the form of ... -
Life Outside Life: The Politics of Immortality, 1914-1945
(2018-08-17)Between 1914 and 1945 a discussion took place amongst Christian and Jewish theologians and philosophers on the possibility of immortality and eternal life. The discussion had profound political and metaphysical implications ... -
Manifest. 22 texter om humaniora och politisk handling
(2017)Om humaniora kan ligga till grund för politisk handling sker detta alltså utifrån andra förutsättningar och med andra ideal,bevekelsegrunder och mål än traditionell politisk organisering och aktivism. Hur ser ... -
Åke Hodell. Art and Writing in the Neo-Avant-Garde
(2017-11-15)Åke Hodell and the Art of Illegibility provides the first in-depth discussion in English of the concrete poet and neo-avant-garde artist Åke Hodell’s works from the 1960s. Throughout the study, Hodell’s artistic practice ... -
En fängslande vetenskap?: Kriminologi i Sverige, 1885–1965
(2017-11-02)The purpose of this dissertation is to write a history of criminology in Sweden 1885– 1965. It is an investigation of how criminology was established as a science – as an acknowledged field of scientific knowledge – not ... -
Hemligheternas värld: Bror Gadelius och psykiatrins genombrott i det tidiga 1900-talets Sverige
(2017-10-26)The aim of this dissertation is to examine the transformation of psychiatry in Sweden in the early 20th century. At the turn of the century, 1800–1900, a form of psychiatry appeared that in many aspects sought to differentiate ... -
Teologi som kritik: Graham Ward och den postsekulära hermeneutiken
(2017-08-25)The British theologian Graham Ward has since the 1990 ́s been one of the most prominent voices in the theological discussions of the Anglo-American cultural sphere. As one of the key figures in the academic field that has ... -
Digital humaniora i Norden. Göteborg, March 14–16 2017. Book of abstracts
(Göteborgs universitet, 2017) -
Religionens varp och trasor
(Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2016-12)En festskrift till Åke Sander -
Revolution and Revelation: Theology in the Political Thought of Friedrich Julius Stahl, Wilhelm Weitling and Karl Theodor Welcker
(2016-12-15)This dissertation deals with the political thought of three authors of the Vormärz era in Germany: the liberal Karl Theodor Welcker, the socialist Wilhelm Weitling, and the conservative Friedrich Julius Stahl, who were all ... -
”inte kan jag berätta allas historia?” Föreställningar om nordisk arbetarlitteratur
(Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2016-11-06)Denna boks titel är hämtad ur Kristian Lundbergs vittnesmål från bemanningsföretagens tidevarv, romanen Yarden (2009). Frågan rymmer en viktig förskjutning i föreställningen om arbetarlitteraturens anspråk – från förra ... -
Occultism and Traditionalism: Arturo Reghini and the Antimodern Reaction in Early Twentieth-Century Italy
(2016-10-14)The thesis will aim to analyse the interaction between occultism and different facets of modernity in early twentieth-century Italy, focusing on the figure of Arturo Reghini (1878-1946) as a case study. In his ´The ... -
Kultur och hälsa i praktiken
(Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet, 2016-10-10)Intresset för området kultur och hälsa är stort. Åtskilliga verksamheter i kommuner och landsting arbetar aktivt med kultur och hälsa. Därför blir det allt viktigare att ta tillvara på den kunskap som skapas inom dessa ... -
Humanister i fält. Metoder och möjligheter
(2016-09-30)Att »gå ut i fält« har länge fått beskriva en mängd metodiska praktiker inom flera olika vetenskapsområden. Ofta förknippas fältstudier med långväga resor till exotiska platser. Men redan botanikern Linné betonade vikten ... -
"Äger du en skruvmejsel?” Litteraturstudiets roll i läromedel för gymnasiets yrkesinriktade program under Lpf 94 och Gy 2011
(2016-09-01)Ph.D. Dissertation at University of Gothenburg Title: “Are you the owner of a screwdriver?” Literature Study in Textbooks Produced for Swedish Vocational Training Programs under two Curricula Author: Katrin Lilja ... -
Kristendommens Morgenstjerne: Konvergerende teologiske træk med baggrund i østlig tradition hos John Wesley og NFS Grundtvig
(2015-12-21)This thesis deal with the common trait we find in the central parts of the theology of John Wesley and NFS Grundtvig, when we look at them in the perspective of some of the Eastern Greek church fathers and their theology. ... -
Den trogne arbetaren i vingården
(I, 2015-05-05) -
Religious Education in Contemporary Pluralistic Sweden
(2015-11-19)In the mandatory, integrative and non-confessional school subject of Religious Education in Sweden, all students are taught together regardless of religious or secular affiliation. The overall aim of this thesis is to ... -
Religious Education in Contemporary Pluralistic Sweden
(2015-11-19)In the mandatory, integrative and non-confessional school subject of Religious Education in Sweden, all students are taught together regardless of religious or secular affiliation. The overall aim of this thesis is to ... -
Litteraturstudiets legitimeringar. Analys av skrift och bild i fem läromedel i litteratur för gymnasieskolan
(2015-10-08)The purpose of the thesis is to identify the dominant legitimations of literature study in five literature textbooks for the upper secondary school in Sweden and how these legitimations are realized textually and visually. ...