Department of Cultural Sciences / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 45
I skuggan av en borg. Vardag och fest på Krapperups gods 1881-1995
(2014-05-27)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014 Title: I skuggan av en borg. Vardag och fest på Krapperups gods 1881–1995 English title: In the shadow of a castle. Everyday life and parties at the ... -
"We present Europe through our cultures”. Doing Europe in (international) cultural relations
(2014-05-04)The aim of this dissertation is to examine how Europe is done in practice within the area of (international) cultural relations. Since EUNIC (the European Union National Institutes for Culture) is, to date, the only actor ... -
Komposition. Trädgården – som förgrenar sig
(2013-10-18)With the compositional practise as the point of departure the text discusses different topics around musical composition and its artistic, philosophical and scientific context. Some initial explorations were carried out ... -
Grez-sur-Loing revisited. The international artists' colony in a different light
(2013-10-11)This thesis examines the rural artists’ colony in Grez-sur-Loing and its art from the heyday of the community, 1875–1885, when artists from North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Scandinavia were gathering in the ... -
Barn som medforskare – en metod med potential för delaktighet
(2013-08-15)The aim of the thesis is that from a critical perspective of power examine what happens when children are involved as co-researchers. It is based on a study in which children had the opportunity to explore issues of food ... -
Kreativa liv. Konstnärligt arbete och kosmopolitisk vardag i Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York
(2013-01-09)The everyday experiences of young Japanese individuals in creative careers, living in the neighborhood of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York City, is the starting point for this study that investigates the informants ... -
Interaktiv musikkomposition
(2012-09-27)This dissertation, titled Interactive Music Composition, is a practice based Ph.D. thesis in the field of Musicology. The purpose is to explore if and how one can compose computer based interactive music, that is musically ... -
Tecknad tomboy – kalejdoskopiskt kön i manga för tonåringar
(2012-08-22) -
Kan barn tala? En genusvetenskaplig undersökning av ålder i familjerättsliga utredningstexter
(2012-05-24)The aim of the thesis is to investigate how meanings of age and gender are reflected but also for- med, stabilized and challenged in family law custody reports where there is information about violence by the father. I ... -
Johann Andreas Stein’s 1781 Claviorganum and the Construction of Art in Eighteenth-Century Augsburg
(2012-04-19)The latter half of the eighteenth century saw the piano’s rise in popularity in Europe, and alongside it many one-of-a-kind keyboard instruments that used the new technology of the hammer action in innovative ways. Recent ... -
Sjungande berättare - vissång som estradkonst 1900–1970
(2011-11-18)The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate how the song type visa, especially the so-called literary visa, has been presented on Swedish public stages from 1900 to 1970. More specifically it aims to: a) identify ... -
Kroppslinjer – Kön, transsexualism och kropp i berättelser om könskorrigering
(2011-10-20)The aim with this dissertation is to analyse the construction and challenge of body and personhood in transsexual persons narratives on gender correction, as well as what these narratives tells of the terms through which ... -
In-Between: Contemporary Art in Australia. Cross-culture, Contemporaneity, Globalization
(2011-09-23)This study emerges from the question: what is contemporary art, and mainly what criteria constitute contemporary art in a globalized art world in general? Thus, the focus of this dissertation is on the postcolonial context ... -
En relasjonell musikkestetikk – barn på orkesterselskapenes konserter. A relational aesthetic of music – children at professional orchestras' concerts
(2011-08-22)Over the past twenty years, there has been a huge growth in the education and community work ("outreach") undertaken by the West-European professional orchestras. It represents a new practise that within the orchestras may ... -
Bo Widerbergs tv-teater / Bo Widerbergs's TV-Theatre
(2011-05-17)The dissertation analyzes the seven studio produced TV-plays made (1979-1992) by the renown Swedish filmmaker Bo Widerberg. The main focus regards Widerberg’s work method, here referred to as ”The Widerberg method”, which ... -
Knut Ströms scenografi och bildvärld. Visualisering i tid och rum
(2010-11-24)A pioneer in his field, Knut Ström (1887–1971) was a Swedish scenographer and director, who became the first professional scenographer in Sweden. He had an early international career in Düsseldorf during the 1910s but later ... -
Ett annat flickrum. Kön, ålder och sexualitet i Maria Lindbergs, Anna Maria Ekstrands och Helene Billgrens flickbilder
(2010-11-19)Avhandlingens utgår från två grundantaganden: att barndomen konstrueras genom olika typer av meningsskapande processer och att bildkonst har en lång tradition av att bidra till detta. Avhandlingen undersöker tre ... -
Improvisation and Pedagogy through Heinrich Scheidemann's Magnificat Settings
(2010-09-29)ABSTRACT Doctoral dissertation in musicology, artistic-creative programme, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2010, 302 pages Author: Karin Nelson Title: Improvisation and Pedagogy through Heinrich Scheidemann’s Magnificat ... -
Old Testament Apocryphal Images in European Art
(2010-01-04)This dissertation deals with representations in European art from the Old Testament Apocrypha. The OT Apocrypha are books of the Bible which are not part of the Hebrew Canon. Four Books from the Apocrypha have been ... -
Meningen med genusforskning så som den framträder i forskningspolitiska texter 1970-2000
(2009-11-25)The thesis analyse how Gender Studies is written about in Swedish research policy documents 1970–2000. Underlying assumptions and presumptions are scrutinised, as well as terminological changes and conceptual displacements over ...