dc.description.abstract | Purpose and aim: The purpose is to examine the work of the NGO MAMTA. We want to
study how they work with aspects regarding sexual health and sexual education. We want to
know if they are involved in the education in schools or if they work with the young people
who are not in school, and what benefits or consequences the alternatives have. We want to
examine if gender is a focus in how they work or in their choice of work field.
• What is the purpose of MAMTA's work?
• How do they operate?
• Does MAMTA have any cooperation with schools?
• Is MAMTA working differently with boys and girls respectively?
Material and Method:
Material used for this thesis include MAMTA's homepage, interviews with two MAMTA
employees, Sweden's Policy on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and various
United Nations reports and policies.
The method used was interviews of conversational type to gain information about the work of
MAMTA's work on a curriculum for sexual education for schools combined with Youth
Information Centres for non-school going children make them reach as many children and
adolescents as possible. With the Youth Information Centres they reach girls to a further
extent, and educate girls on their rights, gender equality and sexual health.
The work MAMTA performs on sexual education is an important step for India to reach the
United Nations' Millennium Development Goals. MAMTA's focus on health information to
marginalised individuals and communities is vital for the realisation of these goals, as is their
focus on adolescents. We feel however that education on sexual health is needed at all stages
in life and that even though the health perspective is important, a perspective of intimacy and
lust is equally important. | sv |