dc.description.abstract | The project was carried out at the Museum of World Heritage in Gothenburg, Sweden, in the fall
of 2008. During 9 sessions in close reference to the ongoing exhibitions Take Action- 83 ways to
change the world and Pushing the limits thirteen students from the theatre program at Angered
Gymnasium, Gothenburg was working on the subject of Alienation. The aim was to see how the use
of the two current exhibitions at the museum along with the opportunity to work outside the regular
class room enviroment would bring another openess to the students facing this subject.
By using aestetic teaching methods we wanted the students to explore the subject from more than
one angle. By this we are questoning the traditional teaching methods that mainly are referring
intelligence as knowledge and which can only be measured by theoretical methods.
Seeing the word intelligence in a wider context, which also includes practical and aestetic
knowledge as a source to reach an intelligence made us invent an expression we choose to call the
Language of Thought. The expression tries to explain the process of learning in a wider context and
is meant as a teachers point of view in this process. The process which is a constant movement
between impressions, process, judgement, valuation, experience and expression. It is important to
clearify that the order can be in a numerous of variations, we mean that there is a constant
movement between all of these parts. It's meant as a guide for us as teachers in the work with
students using aestethic teaching methods and more theoretical subjects.
We wanted to see how the commitment and motivation of the students was effected by moving the
classroom into the exhibition spaces at the Museum of World Heritage. The project, carried out over
nine sessions at the museum,made use of the current exhibitions and the Museum's theatre as our
extended classroom spaces. Using the exhibitions to bring the students into a wider understanding
of the word alianation. The class was divided into three different groups and were given three
guidelines for the final presentation of their accumulated impressions. These three guidelines were
that each presentation should include image, sound and expression
The concept of Mind:
The personal thought, in English expressed by the Mind, which we use to process all the
information which we are fed from school and media into a personal understanding and statement
needs training. Are we offering the training needed in our traditional school ? Can the use of
aestethic teaching methods increase this ? Our aim for this project was to explore these queries and
to see if the expression Language of thought could add anything new to the traditional methods of
teaching. We also wanted to explore the collaboration between a school and a museum, whose
assignment is to add social and political context to its exhibitions. What would we gain by simply
changing the classroom? | sv |