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dc.contributor.authorEllström, Elisabet
dc.contributor.authorFalck, Anna
dc.description.abstractThis study is about being manager in social care and social welfare organisations. Ten women managers participate in the study and share their thoughts about management. Such organisations are an area where women are most frequent, so we wanted to take part of experiences women managers in this area obtain. The study concentrates upon factors these women encounter and which they feel can affect them in their daily work. The study shows that the women we interviewed have a basic interest in humans and a strong commitment to working for human well being. It also shows that their motivation to become managers is about trying to realize visions and improve the state of living for people with disabilities. The motivation is further about having an occupation they enjoy and find varied. It occurs in the study that traditional thoughts and values about gender affect certain situations at work as well as in private life. This is something the interviewed women are aware of and give a lot of thought to, but yet it makes them adjust to the demands and expectations connected to their occupation. In addition the study distinctly shows that the interviewed women through reflection strive to improve their skills in leadership. Another factor with influence is personal qualities and the interviewed women explain which personal qualities they find essential and valuable to them in their work. The way they administer their qualities and how they choose to use them will determine whether the quality will have a positive or negative influence in their work.en
dc.title”Som ny var jag nog för snäll” - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers syn på faktorer som påverkar rollen som chefen
dc.title.alternative”Being recently appointed I was probably too considerate” - A qualitative study about women managers view on factors that influence the occupational role as manageren
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborg University/Department of Social Workeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbeteswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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