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dc.contributor.authorHogmalm, Johan
dc.description.abstractFractional crystallization of magma is a commonly invoked mechanism for chemical differentiation in systems that range from volcanoes to entire planets. However, the processes that control separation of crystals and liquids in natural systems remain controversial, since the dynamics of crystallizing magma chambers cannot be studied directly. Currently popular models involve strictly mechanical separation processes e.g., crystal settling and compositional convection. In this thesis, however, it is demonstrated that a disequilibrium process can result in very effective fractional crystallization. The ~1265 Ma Norra Ulvön Gabbro (NUG) is a ~300 m thick alkali gabbroic saucer-shaped sill in central Sweden that belongs to the Ulvö Gabbro Complex. The NUG is strongly differentiated, displays well developed modal layering, and has not experienced metamorphic alteration. A stratigraphic section through this intrusion has been studied in detail, including major and trace-element whole-rock analysis and in situ mineral analysis. Laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS) has been used to study a wide range of magmatic processes in this intrusion. Strong stratigraphic variations in major and compatible trace-elements in the NUG were reproduced by a thermodynamically constrained fractional crystallization model. However, in contrast to the predictions of this model, little or no stratigraphic variations of incompatible elements in minerals or whole-rock can be demonstrated. This cannot be explained by any fractional crystallization model that occurs under equilibrium conditions. A trace-element model for diffusive mass transfer between well mixed supernatant liquid and a partially crystallized boundary layer was therefore developed. This model demonstrates that diffusive exchange of compatible elements can be effective, while incompatible elements are decoupled, since the diffusive flux of these elements move in the same direction as the solidification front. In situ crystallization on the floor of the intrusion in combination with thermal convection of the supernatant liquid is likely to have resulted in large scale differentiation of this intrusion. Modal layering and erosion-related layering features indicate that convection was an important factor governing the diffusive exchange during the crystallization. The modal layering developed due to fluctuations in the vigor of thermal convection that in turn affected the cooling rate and the nucleation rate of plagioclase relative to olivine and Fe-Ti oxides.en
dc.relation.haspartPaper I. Character and significance of spectacular layering features in the thin, alkali-basaltic sills of the Ulvö Gabbro Complex, Sweden. Larson SÅ, Hogmalm KJ, Meurer WP. Mineralogy and Petrology 2008;92:427-452. ::doi:: 10.1007/s00710-007-0213-5en
dc.relation.haspartPaper II. The Ulvö Gabbro Complex of the 1.27-1.25 Ga Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group (CSDG): Intrusive age, magmatic setting and metamorphic history. Hogmalm KJ, Söderlund U, Larson SÅ, Meurer WP, Hellström FA, Claeson DT. GFF 2006;128:1-6. ::doi:: 10.1080/11035890601281001en
dc.relation.haspartPaper III. Diffusion-driven decoupling of major and incompatible elements during fractionation in the layered alkali gabbro, Norra Ulvön Gabbro, Sweden. Hogmalm KJ, Meurer WP, Claeson DT, Larson SÅ. Submitted to Journal of Petrology.en
dc.relation.haspartPaper IV. Development of modal layering by interaction between convection and crystallization, and compaction-controlled enhancement of layering – evidence from the Norra Ulvön Gabbro, Sweden. Hogmalm KJ, Meurer WP, Claeson DT, Larson SÅ. Submitted to Journal of Petrology.en
dc.relation.haspartPaper V. Using LA-ICPMS mapping and sector zonation to understand growth and trace-element partitioning in sector-zoned clinopyroxene oikocrysts from the Norra Ulvö Gabbro, Sweden. Claeson DT, Meurer WP, Hogmalm KJ, Larson SÅ. Journal of Petrology 2007;48:711-728. ::doi::10.1093/petrology/egl079en
dc.subjectlayered intrusionen
dc.subjectfractional crystallizationen
dc.subjectmodal layeringen
dc.subjectin situ crystallizationen
dc.subjectsaucer-shaped sillen
dc.subjectLA ICP-MSen
dc.titleCrystallization and Differentiation Processes in the Thin Layered Alkali Gabbroic Intrusions of the Ulvö Gabbro Complex, Central Swedenen
dc.type.svepDoctoral thesiseng
dc.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophyen
dc.gup.originGöteborgs universitet. Naturvetenskapliga fakultetenen
dc.gup.departmentDepartment of Earth Sciences ; Institutionen för geovetenskaperen
dc.gup.defenceplaceKl. 10.00 i sal Nimbus, Geovetarcentrum, Guldhedsgatan 5A, Göteborgen

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