Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 422
Hur skildras judar och judendom? En textanalys av svenska medier
(2015-01-28)In my study, I aim to examine how the printed Swedish media depicts Jews and Judaism. How the agenda is for the depiction of Jews and Judaism and how it can be related to didactic challenges within the school subject ... -
En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor
(2015-01-28)The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes and how do they shape the ... -
Den Jordiske Fadern. Bilden av Josef i barndomsberättelserna i Matteus och Lukas
(2015-01-27)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the authors of Matthew and Luke describe Joseph; The main aim is to see how the picture of him is drawn in the infancy narratives of their respective Gospels; what unites, ... -
Mystik och metod. Albert Schweitzers tolkning av Paulus teologi i ljuset av den "mystika vändningen"
(2015-01-27)This essay is an attempt to study some post-modern theological positions with regard to their growing interest in the use of mystical theology and mysticism in theological research in the academic post-modern world, and ... -
Befrielseteologin i Latinamerika och Afrika. Om Gustavo Gutierrez och Jean-Marc Elas teologi
(2015-01-27)I have chosen to investigate the relationship between Latin American- and African Liberation Theologies. My purpose is to analyze, understand and compare the similarities and differences between the two. The bulk of the ... -
"Rabarbers" - Processen med texten
(2014-11-07)The essay is an analysis of the theatrical and dramatic aspects to a playtext. Based on the production and manuscript Rhubarb by Maria Blom. With the essay I intend to answer the following questions: What happens to the ... -
Att föda kön och klass. En studie av modersmotivet i Alfred Kämpes "Trälar"
(2014-10-06)The purpose of this text is to show how the mother motif is portrayed in four selected novels by Alfred Kämpe, but the thesis also serves the purpose of emphasizing the fact that the mother motif can be seen interacting ... -
Simon K. Bobergs iscensättning av Spiro Scimones "Konvolutten". En samtida samhällssatir med kopplingar till Commedia dell' arte
(2014-09-25)La Busta/Konvolutten/The envelope was written in 2006 by the Italian playwright, director and actor Spiro Scimone. It is a contemporary political farce with clear roots and inspiration from Commedia dell´arte. As the ... -
Lukas och Rom - En studie av evangelieförfattarens framställning av imperiet och dess folk
(2014-09-17)The purpose of this study was to see how Luke depicted the Roman Empire and in particular its people through his gospel. Around the time of the gospels’ composition, 70-80 A.D., tensions were high between the Jewish people ... -
Nytt vin i gamla läglar - Kyrkorum i Svenska kyrkan; då, nu och imorgon
(2014-09-15)This is a chronological comparative study about opinions expressed in the Church of Sweden when the parishes want to change the inside of a church building. Certain concepts in the study are church, holy and holiness. A ... -
Vad tror blivande religionslärare? En livsberättelsestudie om sex lärarstudenters syn på religion
(2014-09-11)With this thesis I have examined the views of religion among six comparative religion teacher students, with the perspecitve of their life stories. I have also examined what stance they want to take due to their personal ... -
Atopon. En intersektionell studie över svenska gymnasieungdomars tal om religion, etnicitet, klass och kön
(2014-07-01)This master’s thesis problematizes how students in two Swedish secondary schools think and speak about, and relate to, topics such as gender, class, ethnicity, religion and sex, but also how they move in, make use of, and ... -
Rött, vitt, svart - Vedisk kosmologi och klassificering i Chāndogya-Upaniṣad 3:1-11 och 6
(2014-06-27)Chapter 6 of the Chāndogya Upaniṣad has often been treated in works on early Indian philosophy, as well as in some comparative studies on color symbolism. Attempts to place it in a larger framework against the background ... -
Teologi som kontrapunkt. En studie i Sarah Coakleys metod théologie totale
(2014-06-27)The theologian Sarah Coakley has developed a theological method, which she calls théologie totale. This essay examines the methodological criteria for this method. To understand how its anthropology, epistemology and ... -
Dopet för framtiden. En studie av teologiska motiv i dopgudstjänsten
(2014-06-27)This essay studies the christening rites in Church of Sweden and what theological motives that are present herein, and how the current revision of the rites have brought in new theological motives with the basis in the ... -
Video Games and Contemporary Esotericism: A study of eco-spirituality and the Grand Polemical Narrative in Final Fantasy VII
(2014-06-27)The concern of this essay is how religious change can be understood through the way that conceptions of religiosity and spirituality are represented in popular culture. The success of works of popular culture are due to ... -
Islam som religion och skolämne - en studie om hur högstadieelever kan tala om islam
(2014-06-26)With this thesis I have sought to do a critical review on how Islam is perceived and articulated by secondary school students in a school in a larger Swedish city. The aim is to analyse how some secondary students in Sweden ... -
Synen på kristendom en analys av läromedel i religionskunskap
(2014-06-26)The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the perception of Christianity in nine textbooks and identify changes in-between them and over time. The content of the textbooks will also be discussed in relation to the steering ... -
”Fotboll är bara en världslig sak, det betyder inget för evigheten” Religionsvetenskapliga perspektiv på fotbollsintresse
(2014-06-26)This qualitative study examines if an interest in soccer can give the same meaningful experiences in a person's life as a religion would. Five soccer fans were interviewed regarding the meanings and impact of soccer in ... -
”Vi sitter oss till stillhet” Nyreligiositet i Svenska Kyrkan
(2014-06-26)In this essay, I research and discuss new spirituality (or what is commonly known as New Age) within some congregations in the Church of Sweden, Gothenburg. I question how and why this new spirituality has come to be ...