Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 422
På tal om muslimer. En intervjustudie av gymnasieelevers tal om muslimer i årskurs två och tre på transportprogrammet i Göteborg
(2012-08-16)Denna uppsats fördjupar förståelsen för intolerans mot personer med muslimsk kulturell och/eller religiös tillhörighet eller bakgrund, islamofobi, med hjälp av frågeställningen: Hur talar elever på transportprogrammet i ... -
Den villfarande studenten. Rättsprocessen mot Erik Molin 1734-1739
(2012-06-27)This study investigates the judicial process against Erik Molin, a clerk and former theology student at the University of Uppsala 1734-1739. The main purpose has been twofold; first to investigate the legal process through ... -
Violence against Christians in India. A discursive study of two Indian English newspapers
(2012-06-27)Persecution of Christians in India has increased drastically during the last fifteen years, hundreds have been murdered, thousands injured and numerous driven from their homes. In this situation news media has an important ... -
Undervisning och identitet En intervjustudie om betydelsen av religiös eftermiddagsundervisning för bevarandet av en judisk identitet
(2012-06-21)The aim of this essay is to study the religious education which the Jewish Community of Göteborg offers to members between six and fourteen years of age. The main question of the essay is “what function does the religious ... -
Levinas, Bauman och undervisning i etik Etik och moral i religionskunskap på gymnasiet
(2012-06-20)This essay is a study of ethics and morality in textbooks in religious education. The main questions in this essay is how ethics and morality are represented in the textbooks, what the books say about ethics and morality ... -
Mellan kors och hakkors - Svåra val i en svår tid En studie av Biskop Alois Hudals förståelse av nationalsocialismen uttryckt i Die Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus
(2012-06-20)Bishop Alois Hudal is a man who is often mentioned when the relationship between the Vatican and the national socialistic Germany of 1933-1945 is discussed. In these cases he is usually presented as a Nazi and sometimes ... -
Kyrka, teologi och samhälle En studie av Stanley Hauerwas och Max L. Stackhouse
(2012-06-20)The discussion concerning what role the church and theology should have in a modern, western society is a question that is ongoing in Sweden as well as in other countries. The present; American theologians Stanley Hauerwas ... -
Oäkta barn och ogifta mödrar i Sverige Kyrkans och samhällets officiella syn på konsekvensen av utomäktenskapliga förbindelser
(2012-06-20)Children born out of wedlock have often been exposed to the judgment of Church and Society, regardless if the children were to be blamed or not for this crime. Even the mothers of these children have had to face hard ... -
Medvetandets anatomi. Antonio Damasios avtryck i svensk mylla
(2012-04-20)This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden ... -
Alkohol till min nästa? Hur nattvardens gemenskapsmotiv i möte med Lögstrups etik, skulle kunna motivera ett alkoholfritt nattvardsvin i Svenska kyrkan
(2012-02-28)How the Eucharist’s motive of communion in combination with Lögstrup’s ethics could motivate a non-alcoholic sacramental wine in the Church of Sweden. The purpose of this essay is to illuminate the meeting between the ... -
Trinitariskt språk hos Paulus Spänningsförhållanden i beskrivningen av Fader, Son och Ande
(2012-02-06)This essay is aiming to go through and study the most important and frequently mentioned terms and titles used in the letters of Paul to denote and describe God, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. These include “Christ” ... -
Tradition, Vetenskap och Upplevelse En Analys av Mindfulness och New Age i det Moderna Västerländska Samhället
(2012-02-03)The purpose of the present study is to investigate mindfulness as a New Age phenomenon in the modern western society. Since a religious phenomenon does not exist in a vacuum, but is dependent on its historical and cultural ... -
Inkarnationens hur Kristologi och eukaristi hos Kyrillos av Alexandria och Martin Luther
(2012-02-02)In this essay, I have examined and discussed the similarities and differences between christology in the thought of Cyril of Alexandria and Martin Luther, and further, to what extent Luther may have been influenced by Cyril ... -
Till för medmänniskan Om medmänsklighet utifrån Martin Buber och Gustaf Wingren
(2012-01-31)This is a study of humanity about the meetings we have with one another. I write about this subject out of the perspective of Martin Buber and Gustaf Wingren. As I enter this area and begin the writing a few questions are ... -
Dietrich Bonhoeffers Teologi och Svenska kyrkans tro, bekännelse och lära. En jämförande studie
(2012-01-31)The aim of this paper is to compare the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church in order to see similarity. The research questions that have been used are: 1: What is the ... -
Bruket av hierateuma i 1Petr dess teologiska och retoriska funktioner
(2012-01-31)Which theological and rhetorical functions may the naming ἱεξάηεπκα of the recipients have had in First Peter? This paper provides a theological and rhetorical analysis of the use of ἱεξάηεπκα in First Peter. Theological ... -
Judendom i läromedel En diskursanalys av fyra läromedel i religionskunskap
(2012-01-31)This is a study that aims to discern whether there are any differences between upper secondary level school textbooks published both before The Living History Forum (a government agency that works with issues on tolerance, ... -
Vi tror på Gud Fader allsmäktig. En studie av Charles Hartshornes processteologi i jämförelse med luthersk teologi
(2012-01-31)Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and ...