Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 301-320 av 422
Ännu en genusanalys? En granskning av hur kvinnor och män framställs i islam och hinduism.
(2013-08-06)The aim of this Bachelor essay is to examine the portrayal of women and men constructed in two textbooks aimed for religious studies. The aim is also to examine how the image relates to the curriculum directives on gender ... -
”En strid om ord” En diskursanalytisk undersökning av riksdagsdebatten om kristendomens ställning i Lgr62
(2013-08-06)This essay examines the 1962 Swedish parliamentary debate preluding the proposition to introduce a uniform compulsory education for all Swedish children. The proposition aimed at ending the previously heterogeneous educational ... -
Barn och ritualer Religiös traditionsförmedling i tre hinduiska hem
(2013-08-06)The aim in this bachelor thesis is to describe and analyze ritual performance and transference of religious traditions in some Hindu homes in Varanasi (India). In particular from the children’s perspective. The curriculum ... -
Rättfärdighetsbegreppet i Matteusevangeliet Språkliga betydelser och teologiska funktioner av 'rättfärdighet' och 'rättfärdig'
(2013-08-06)This thesis examines the concept of righteousness in the Gospel of Matthew. The research explores the literal meanings and theological functions of the noun ’righteousness’ and the adjective ’righteous’ through a ... -
Markion Markions Kristendom
(2013-08-06)This essay describes Marcion, his life, religion and achievements. He was active 120 – 160 and was a leading christian gnostics or a christian extreme paulinist. Marcion regarded himself as the only true interpreter of ... -
Människa, var är du? Prästens roll som själavårdare i det postmoderna samhället
(2013-08-06)The purpose of this study is to find out how clergymen in the Church of Sweden understand their role as pastoral caregivers, in a context of a society that has changed quite a lot during the past decades. The study is based ... -
En islamofobs manifest? En psykobiografisk analys av Anders Behring Breivik, 2083 A European Declaration of Independence och händelserna i Oslo och på Utøya den 22 juli 2011
(2013-08-06)On July 22, 2011 a bomb detonated in the government building in central Oslo in Norway and eight persons died. Later that day, 69 people, most of them youths, were shot down and killed on the island of Utøya by a uniformed ... -
Begravningen och Luther – en studie av Luthers spår i Svenska kyrkans begravningsritualer
(2013-08-05)This study is a reception analysis regarding the theology of Martin Luther, specifically in the areas of eschatology and anthropology, in to the funeral practices of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan). The main theme ... -
Myndigheternas information till skaraborna. Tog den vägen över predikstolen?
(2013-08-05)This study deals with the compulsory reading of the public announcements in churches during the eighteens century. The focus is on the diocese of Skara. The ambition to make a comparison between the parish of Skara and the ... -
Trauma, vittnesmål och etik. Representationens möjligheter och omöjligheter i Hayden Whites "The Modernist Event" samt i Shoshana Felman och Dori Laubs "Testimony"
(2013-07-03)This essay is a meta-theoretical study that aims to show normative and ethical implications that might follow from theories concerning representation of traumatic events in four essays from Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub’s ... -
Att fly sin kropp. En studie om gränsöverskridning i Sara Stridsbergs prosa
(2013-07-03)Sara Stridsberg’s novels Happy Sally, Drömfakulteten and Darling River are all brimming with literary images of movement and becoming. The physical aspects of being a female subject in becoming highlights the enfleshed ... -
"etymologiskt uttytt: frälst." En studie av det religiösa vittnesbördet i Majken Johanssons sextiotalsdikt
(2013-05-24)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the religious testimony in the following works of the Swedish poet Majken Johansson (1930-1993): Liksom överlämnad (1965), Omtal (1969) and Från Magdala. Fragment ur en självbiografi ... -
Ungdom. Seriehjälten prins Valiants tidiga äventyr 1937-1938
(2013-05-24)This study deals with the Adventure Comic Prince Valiant, written and designed by the Canadian artist Harold R. Foster. Focus is on the first two years of publication 1937-1938, where the hero is pictured in his Adolescence. ... -
Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren
(2013-03-27)Abstract Master’s Thesis in Comparative literature Title: Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren (Ghettoized Vampires. A study of children’s vampire ... -
Becketts papegojor. Språk, tal och berättande
(2013-02-12)The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back from ancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the Nobel Prize winner Samuel ... -
Dietrich Bonhoeffer och den religionslösa kristendomen – eller att vara kristen är att vara människa
(2013-02-08)The overall purpose of the essay is to analyse what Dietrich Bonhoeffer meant by Religionless Christianity. For this I have chosen to use the substantial idea analysis. I first came across the concept of freedom of religion ... -
Den uppståndne Kristus universella framtid - En studie om utvecklingen av Jürgen Moltmanns eskatologi
(2013-02-08)This thesis is a study on the development of the German theologian Jürgen Moltmann’s understanding of eschatology. Eschatology is often described as ‘the doctrine of last things’ but Moltmann considers this to be a mistaken ... -
Att framställa islam - En diskursanalys av tre universitetsläroböcker om islam
(2013-02-08)In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, issues related to religion and violence has been actualized in the media. Do Islamic texts and sources legitimate violent actions? In response to these questions, some professional ... -
Kärlekens gärningar i ljuset av Fruktan och bävan - En användbar etik för den enskilde utifrån ett kierkegaardskt perspektiv
(2013-02-08)In this study, I have investigated whether there is a usefulness for the individual on the basis of Kierkegaard's speech in Work´s of love of our duty to love the people we see. My main conclusions are as follows: Infinite ...