Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 81-100 av 422
En diskursanalys av hur religiös klädsel och praktik i skolan framställs i media med fokus på slöjförbudet i Skurups kommun
(2020-06-22)The purpose of the study was to investigate how religious clothing and religious practice is described in newspapers and articles. Main focus was on a specific incident - that wearing a veil in schools in the community of ... -
Låt oss dras in i Herrens härlighet. En liturgisk-teologisk undersökning av sambandet mellan kristologi och ecklesiologi i Hebreerbrevet
(2020-06-22)The purpose of this study is to decipher the liturgical-theological significance of the Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews for the sake of indicating that these ideas may contribute to an understanding of the Church ... -
Holy Hybridity. On the Role of Mixture in the Holy Sphere
(2020-06-22)The purpose of this essay is to explore the role of mixture in relation to holiness and separation. By examining the angelic hosts, specifically the cherubim, as hybrids, and how they relate to the holy realm and the divine, ... -
Icke-ideologins spektrum [Ideologins gränser och samhällsformationens rörelser i marxistisk teori]
(2020-06-18)This essay examines the field of ideology and its theoretical context: the social formation, based on Louis Althusser’s and Karl Marx’s writings on the topics. By constructive readings of several works by the aforementioned ... -
Bedömingspraktiker i Religionsvetenskap - En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i religionskunskap förhåller sig till olika bedömningspraktiker
(2020-06-17)The aim of this study is to explore how five teachers in the subject of religion implement assessment in their classes. The study will take place in five different schools, where four teachers are working in upper secondary ... -
Mormonsk apostasi på nätet. En netnografisk studie på apostasi från Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga
(2020-06-17)Previous studies have shown that, during the last decades, religion has expanded to being a part of the world online. It serves as a place where religious devotees can maintain and strengthen their religious identity as ... -
RISTNINGAR OCH ROP En studie av ikon och konst i själ och materia genom två kristna tänkare: Wassily Kandinsky och Pavel Florenskij
(2020-06-11)This thesis is an analysis of Wassily Kandinsky´s concept of art and Pavel Florensky´s icon(painting)theology. The thesis examines how they formulate the artist/icon-painter´s vocation as well as art´s and icon´s ... -
Naturens rättigheter-ett paradigmskifte i den västerländska antropocentrismen?
(2020-06-11)This essay will describe a concrete example of Rights of Nature, namely the Act Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement Act) from 2017. This Act implicate that the Whanganui river in New Zeeland has rights as a ... -
Häxan och lejonet - en spegling av karaktärerna i evangelierna. En komparativ analys mellan boken och evangelierna
(2020-06-11)This essay shows how characters from the gospels appear in the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis told that he wanted to send a Christian message with the book but in a hidden way. Something to discover ... -
EN UNDERSÖKNING AV BEGREPPET ’READYMADE’-LITTERATUR – med huvudfokus på Enrique Vila-Matas roman Dublinesk
(2020-06-11)This essay examines the usage of the ‘readymade’-technique in the literature by the spanish author Enrique Vila- Matas. Specifically in his novel Dublinesk. The concept ‘readymade’ was originally created by the french ... -
Poesi som vågar ta ställning Mottagandet av Jenny Wrangborgs Kallskänken
(2020-06-09)This essay examines how Jenny Wrangborg’s collection of poetry entitled Kallskänken was received in Swedish media when published in 2010. The material consists of twelve articles from newspapers, both national and local, ... -
Att funka i ljud En intervjustudie om ljud- och e-bokstjänsternas påverkan på bokbranschen
(2020-06-09)This thesis analyses publishers approach to the increasing domination of e- and audiobook distributors. By interviewing five publishers from various publishing houses two questions are examined: How is the literature affected ... -
Konst i centrum En undersökning av två kontroversiella verk i Göteborgs offentliga miljö
(2020-05-13)This master’s thesis in history of ideas is an interdisciplinary study which engages in the aspect of urban planning, public art and cultural policy through the analysis of two different types of public displays in Gothenburg. ... -
Drev, syndabockar och megäror Skildringen av metoo-rörelsen i Katarina Frostensons och Fredrik Virtanens självbiografier
(2020-05-08)This thesis is an analysis of the description of the metoo movement in the autobiographies of poet Katarina Frostenson and journalist Fredrik Virtanen. Frostenson’s husband, Jean-Claude Arnault, and Virtanen were both ... -
Grepp om begreppen IB-elevers användning av litteraturvetenskaplig terminologi
(2020-03-06)This study investigates the use of literary terminology in student poetry commentaries. 40 upper secondary school literature students on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme are asked to note down their ... -
Ett mer mångfacetterat mörker Grå bikaraktärer i Collins Hungerspelssvit
(2020-03-06)The study introduces the concept of gray secondary characters. A gray character is round and dynamic, and his/her true loyalty is camouflaged by the author for a more diversified darkness. The good and bad sides of the ... -
Religionsdialog i Göteborg med omnejd
(2020-02-20)The aim and research questions: This study explores and describe the work on the religious dialogue in Gothenburg. The main purpose of the study has been to identify and highlight the conditions and opportunities of the ... -
Från hederlig till ockrare. En studie av allosemitism i svensk press, 1810-1840
(2020-02-19)This thesis examines, via a method of discourse analysis, the allosemitic discourse and the conceptual ‘Jew’ in the Swedish press during hree separate five-year periods: 1813–1817, 1824–1828, and 1836–1840. The study focuses ... -
Den primitiva kelten Den rasistiska bilden av den irländska kelten inom den viktorianska antropologin under 1850- och 1860-talen
(2020-01-29)This thesis explores the racist assumptions pertaining to the Irish Celts during the Victorian era as it is expressed within the anthropological thought of the age. These assumptions are explored in The Races of Men ...