Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 233
Kvinnor, underordna er era män! En studie om hustrun i Efesierbrevets hustavla
(2019-06-28)The aim of this study is to investigate the exhortations in Eph 5:21–24 and 33 with focus on the prescribed behaviour for the woman. By applying exegetical methods this paper will evaluate the authors purpose in the ephesian ... -
Gudsupplevelsens värde i herrnhutiska livslopp mellan 1743 och 1864
(2019-06-28)This paper is compiled of memoirs, from six individuals within the Moravian Church, between 1743 and 1864, and they are being analyzed to understand how these individuals valued a divine encounter. The purpose of this paper ... -
Nattvardssyn i den svenska pingströrelsen. En undersökning av nattvardssyn i den svenska pingströrelsen över tid
(2019-06-27)This paper describes the tradition of the Lord’s Supper in the Swedish Pentecostal Movement. In order to make a comparison with the traditions in other major churches, it briefly describes the different ways of celebrating ... -
"Var fruktsamma och föröka er..." - men hur? Assisterad befruktning i judisk och katolsk bibeltolkning och teologi
(2019-06-27)This study is an investigation of the arguments and the discussion concerning Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and its relation to doctrines in the Jewish and Catholic faith traditions. In the creation story of the ... -
Med naturen som resurs. Om trädgårdsdiakoni i Svenska kyrkan
(2019-06-27)This thesis will investigate the Church of Sweden´s use of gardens for stress rehabilitation. To help understanding how and why gardens are used for that purpose in a church setting, interviews have been made with people ... -
(O)begriplighetens mantel. En studie i Gösta Oswalds den andaktsfulle visslaren
(2019-06-25)This essay examines the (in)comprehensiveness of Gösta Oswald's modernist poetry collection den andaktsfulle visslaren (1946). By applying a heuristic as well as a hermeneutic way of reading, as described by Michael ... -
”Ni är inte bättre än de djur ni dödar.” En existentialistisk läsning av Butcher’s Crossing möter ett ekokritiskt perspektiv.
(2019-04-01)This paper examines how John Williams novel Butcher’s Crossing can be understood through the perspectives of existentialism and ecocritisism. The novel depicts the Midwestern United States in the early 1870s; Butcher's ... -
Hälsa som mål och medel. En livsåskådningsanalys av chefers tal om hälsofrämjande arbete på arbetsplatsen
(2019-04-01)The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse the conception of life and how it influences the view of humans as well as the understanding of human health, more specifically the view of leaders and managers working ... -
Läsa med öronen och lyssna med ögonen: en komparativ studie av mediers betydelse för ett litterärt verk
(2019-02-05)This essay examines how different types of media affect the experience of Cecelia Ahern’s Where Rainbows End. This is achieved by comparing one printed edition of the book with two audio book editions. I’m examining how ... -
Hej Håkan! – en receptionsanalys av gymnasieelevers användning av litterära begrepp i en låttextanalys
(2019-02-05)This paper examines the use of literary terminology in upper secondary school. The study consists of 13 students letters written to Håkan Hellström where they analyze the rock lyrics of his song “Din tid kommer”. The lyrics ... -
Det särskilda diakonatet. En jämförande studie mellan Equmeniakyrkan och Svenska kyrkan 2018
(2019-01-30)This study is an analysis of the differences and the causes of the differences between Equmeniakyrkan (Uniting Church in Sweden) and Svenska kyrkan (Church of Sweden) concerning the ministry of deaconate. The analysis ... -
Inga vanliga turister. En komparativ studie av tre nyreligiösa bloggare och deras skildringar av Machu Picchu
(2019-01-28)This thesis examines and compares three blogs depicting visits at the Peruvian Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. The authors of the blogs are identified and categorized as operating within the - often vague and multifaceted - ... -
”På Guds högra sida sitter en jude”. Bilden av ”judefrågan”, det judiska folket och förintelsen i Evangelii Härold 1939–45
(2018-06-20)This essay is a descriptive study of how the Jewish people was depicted in the Swedish journal Evangelii Härold (EH) during World War II. EH was started in 1916 and published once a week by the leading Swedish pentecostal ... -
Jesus, en hängiven farisé? En jämförelse mellan Matteusevangeliets Jesus och en modern syn på fariseerna
(2018-06-20)This paper is a comparative investigation between the Pharisees and Jesus as described in the Gospel of Matthew. The paper aims to investigate if Jesus was only a pious Jew or if he was a Pharisee and the method used for ... -
Depressionens diktning. En studie av melankoliska processer i Karin Bellmans 'Stjärnvattenfallet' och Sylvia Plaths 'The Bell Jar'
(2018-03-28)Does depression have a language? Is there such a thing as an explicit depressive narrative? This thesis serves to answer these questions with a study of the portrayal of depression in the novels Stjärnvattenfallet by Karin ... -
Bön utan tro. Bönens funktion för personer som ber till högre makt utan att tro på högre makt
(2018-03-01)This interview study explore the meaning of prayer for people who pray to a higher power without believing in any higher power. While the act of praying is often assumed to be done by persons who have a religious identity ... -
Dövperspektiv på Markusevangeliet 7:31-37
(2018-03-01)This essay examines the theme of the deaf -perspective in the Gospel of Mark 7:31-37 . Two main questions asked are: 1 ) ” How does the Gospel of Marks view on deafness in the periscope of Mark 7:31-37? 2 ) ” How can ... -
Nåd & Natur. En läsning av Kathryn Tanner i ljuset av Henri de Lubac
(2018-01-29)The aim of this thesis is to compare the theology of ‘Nature and Grace’ of contemporary scholar Kathryn Tanner and mid-1900 catholic theologian Henri de Lubac. The reason for choosing these theologians lies in that Tanner ... -
Den symboliska fattigvården. En studie av Göteborgs mosaiska församlings inställning gentemot den östjudiska invandringen och plikten angående fattigvård 1860-1900
(2018-01-26)This bachelor thesis examines the relationship between the immigrating Eastern Jews and the established Western Jews in Gothenburg in the period 1860 – 1900. The sources used are protocols from the Mosaic Congregation in ...