Magisteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 93
Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren
(2013-03-27)Abstract Master’s Thesis in Comparative literature Title: Ghettoiserade Vampyrer. En studie av barnvampyrlitteratur och dess betydelse för vampyrlitteraturgenren (Ghettoized Vampires. A study of children’s vampire ... -
Att framställa islam - En diskursanalys av tre universitetsläroböcker om islam
(2013-02-08)In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, issues related to religion and violence has been actualized in the media. Do Islamic texts and sources legitimate violent actions? In response to these questions, some professional ... -
Kärlekens gärningar i ljuset av Fruktan och bävan - En användbar etik för den enskilde utifrån ett kierkegaardskt perspektiv
(2013-02-08)In this study, I have investigated whether there is a usefulness for the individual on the basis of Kierkegaard's speech in Work´s of love of our duty to love the people we see. My main conclusions are as follows: Infinite ... -
FRI KÄRLEK - FÖR VEM? Respektabilitet och konstruktionen av 'fri kärlek' i Frida Stéenhoffs dramatext "Lejonets unge" sett ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv.
(2013-01-29)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate respectability and the construction of ‘free love’ in Swedish feminist debater and playwright Frida Stéenhoff’s (1865‒1945) drama Lejonets unge (1896). In 1897 the first production ... -
"Trött på vithet". Intersektionalitet i Dan Anderssons Kolarhistorier och Chi-mo-ka-ma
(2012-11-20)Although Dan Andersson (1888-1920) is considered perhaps the most important of the early Swedish workingclass authors, there has not been much research on his work. Through a perspective based on critical whiteness studies, ... -
Tron är aldrig allena – en undersökning av Kristusföreningsmotivet i den finska Lutherforskningen, med en följande diskussion utifrån deras kritik av modern protestantisk teologi
(2012-11-14)In this essay I present an outline and examination of the Finnish Luther research, with an aim to learn more about some different aspects of Luther’s teaching on justification as sanctification, and sanctification as the ... -
Dietrich Bonhoeffer som motståndsman och Svenska kyrkan. Ett påbörjande av en kartläggning av deras kontakter och motståndsrörelsen i allmänhet
(2012-09-19)The overall purpose of the essay is to initiate a survey and highlight, on the basis of sufficiently material, the dealings between Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a member of the resistance and the Swedish Church and/or its ... -
WE SHALL OVERCOME… Historien om EKHO – Ekumeniska gruppen för kristna HBTQ-personer
(2012-09-10)EKHO - The Ecumenical Association for Christian LGBTQ people has existed in Sweden since the 1970's second half. The movement had its ups and downs throughout the years. In this essay, I will examine what happened when ... -
Kyrka, teologi och samhälle En studie av Stanley Hauerwas och Max L. Stackhouse
(2012-06-20)The discussion concerning what role the church and theology should have in a modern, western society is a question that is ongoing in Sweden as well as in other countries. The present; American theologians Stanley Hauerwas ... -
Oäkta barn och ogifta mödrar i Sverige Kyrkans och samhällets officiella syn på konsekvensen av utomäktenskapliga förbindelser
(2012-06-20)Children born out of wedlock have often been exposed to the judgment of Church and Society, regardless if the children were to be blamed or not for this crime. Even the mothers of these children have had to face hard ... -
Tradition, Vetenskap och Upplevelse En Analys av Mindfulness och New Age i det Moderna Västerländska Samhället
(2012-02-03)The purpose of the present study is to investigate mindfulness as a New Age phenomenon in the modern western society. Since a religious phenomenon does not exist in a vacuum, but is dependent on its historical and cultural ... -
Till för medmänniskan Om medmänsklighet utifrån Martin Buber och Gustaf Wingren
(2012-01-31)This is a study of humanity about the meetings we have with one another. I write about this subject out of the perspective of Martin Buber and Gustaf Wingren. As I enter this area and begin the writing a few questions are ... -
Bruket av hierateuma i 1Petr dess teologiska och retoriska funktioner
(2012-01-31)Which theological and rhetorical functions may the naming ἱεξάηεπκα of the recipients have had in First Peter? This paper provides a theological and rhetorical analysis of the use of ἱεξάηεπκα in First Peter. Theological ... -
Symbolism och impressionism i Ivar Conradsons Skyarne
(2011-10-26)This essay examines the poetry of the Swedish writer Ivar Conradson (1885-1968). It analyzes his work in the context of the European literary scene of the late 19th century, in particular symbolism and impressionism. ... -
Gudstjänstordning i förändring - en undersökning av teologin i högmässans beredelsemoment och en diskussion av förslagen till dess omformning
(2011-09-28)Public confession and declaration of grace in the mass, following the book of worship of the Church of Sweden, is considered by many to be problematic, and hence the topic of frequent discussion. This is apparent already ... -
Sökarkyrkan; Marknadsförd religion mot den postmoderna sökaren? -Hur och varför ett fåtal innovativa religionsproducenter förändrar det amerikanska religiösa landskapet
(2011-09-27)The controversial phenomenon of ―seeker-oriented‖ megachurches are currently transforming the American religious landscape. These churches, some housing up to 30,000 worshippers every week, are targeting religious seekers ... -
Påskfirandet i två lokala kristna församlingar Immauelskyrkan SMK,Stockholm Ndjilikyrkan,CEC,Quartier5 Kinshasa
(2011-09-21)The main aim of my research essay is to examine two congregations, one in Sweden and one in Democratic Republic of Congo, how theology and the life in the church shape the cultural context. The analysis uses semi-structured ... -
MÄNNISKA OCH KRISTEN GUSTAF WINGRENS SKAPELSETEOLOGI Analys av en accentförskjutning från juridisk teologisk metaforik till biologisk teologisk metaforik
(2011-09-16)Titel: Human being and Christian – creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren. Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. Author: Tove Pilroth. The purpose of the essay ...