Making Repository Deposit Easier With SWORD & Use Cases
The presentation will give an overview of the UK JISC (Joint Information
Systems Committee) funded SWORD2 project. It will essentially be
concerned with the need for, and development of, a specification that can be
used for depositing research, and learning and teaching materials, and which
gave rise to the original SWORD (Simple Web service Offering Repository
Deposit) project 1. The presentation will look at how the original SWORD
project and the current SWORD 2 project have realised the vision of a
standard deposit protocol. The presentation will also consider the future of
SWORD and look at some of the recent activity that has arisen around the
project outputs, including the adoption into Microsoft Office, a SWORD
Facebook application, a Netvibes widget, and current progress with
international publishers.
Stevenson, Adrian
Lewis, Stuart
Publication type