Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 221
Kvinnor inom konst och feminism: En studie i feministisk symbolik inom nutidskonsten
(2019-05-29)In this paper we have explored the symbolic meanings of feminist art. We have done this by using a semiotic and discourse analysis of ten artworks. The artworks we have chosen to analyze all have some sort of feminist ... -
“It’s not a phase, Mom!!!". Om identitetsskapande inom fankultur
(2019-05-20)In this essay, we examine what it means to be a fan. We look at the way different products and discourses create identity within both fan culture and fandoms. We have chosen to focus on three famous fandoms among youth ... -
Smink som ställningstagande. En uppsats om etisk konsumtion med exemplet The Body Shop
(2019-05-20)This essay set out to investigate how consuming cosmetics can become a statement of ethics, by using The Body Shop brand as an example. Being keen users and make-up artists ourselves we asked: How do our informants use and ... -
”Varför ska jag gå runt och vänta?” En normkritisk intervjustudie med frivilligt ensamstående mammor
(2019-05-16)The purpose of this study is to examine how single mothers by choice motivate their family form and experience norms surrounding family and motherhood. In interviews with six women who became mothers through assisted ... -
Att bygga sin omgivning - Östersunds identitetsskapande och självpresentation
(2019-05-16)The purpose of this study is to give the reader an insight into the history of Östersund and how the municipality works with urban planning and development in relation to its history, as well as democracy and welfare. Our ... -
En plats för alla? Om kulturinstitutioners roll i stadsutvecklingsprocesser i Kortedala och Gamlestaden, med biblioteken i centrum
(2019-05-15)This study explores gentrification as a concept from an intersectional and cultural perspective. Cultural institutions are at the center of this study. Kortedala library and Världslitteraturhuset (The world literature ... -
“No big boobs? I’m out”. En kvalitativ studie av mäns och kvinnors bemötande på streamingplattformen Twitch.tv
(2019-05-10)The internet has expanded greatly, revolutionising almost every aspect of communication and creating so far unseen interactions and social networks. It’s a space where people can connect, get access to otherwise unseen ... -
Artificiellt liv, kroppslighet och posthumanism i populärkultur
(2019-05-07)In this essay I will discuss posthumanism and how we become humans. Through analyzing two science fiction works, one movie and one short story, I will discuss what it means to be human and how the male liberal subject of ... -
”Sanningen” om den skrivande kvinnan. Makt och sanningsetablerande i den svenska 1930-talspressen
(2019-05-06)This essay intends to study how the established truths in society about female writers in the swedish 1930’s were created by the members of the press, and how the different truths interacted contextually. The portraying ... -
En del av Sápmi - Makt och motstånd i Anders Sunnas målning Indigenous love
(2019-02-25)This essay has it’s outset in the painting Indigenous love by Anders Sunna, to further investigate how the postcolonial structures are expressed and in which way power and resistance manifests in the artwork. It also ... -
Inuti den svarta amorfen. Tankeexperiment för ett animerande utställningsrum i samtiden
(2019-02-14)This essay essentially place itself within the recent and contemporary field of study, namely the sensory turn, when it sets out to theoretically synthesise and reason an exhibition room of today and tomorrow, the authors ... -
Kulturarv från Carl Wilhelmson
(2018-09-19)This is an ethnological essay about the artist Carl Wilhelmson (1866-1928). I have looked into his role as a documentary painter from his native place, Fiskebäckskil. His subjects change as the community changes. From a ... -
SOLIDARITETENS KÖK En etnografisk studie av frikyrkors integrationsinriktade mötesplatser
(2018-09-18)The aim of this thesis is to examine the democratic function of free churches’ integrationoriented meeting places within a society of pluralism. The material used in this study has been ... -
”ÖPPNA DÖRRARNA, SÄNK TRÖSKLARNA, SKAPA RELEVANS” Debatt om konstmusikens ställning och relevans i dagens samhälle
(2018-09-18)For a long time the status of western art music in Swedish music life has been discussed, recently at two Rikstings 2016 and 2017 arranged by representatives for the field of western art music with the aim of strengthening ... -
Där friheten är en summa En kvalitativ studie kring barnfattigdom i fritidshemmet
(2018-08-21)Barnfattigdom är ett begrepp som aktivt diskuteras bland politiker, trots att detta begrepp ofta uppkommer i olika debatter finns det ingen vedertagen definition av begreppet. Barnfattigdom blir allt vanligare i Sverige ... -
SAMEBLOD (2017) - En visuell analys
(2018-04-23)This thesis will examine how the oppression of the ethnic minority group saami visualizes in the movie Sami Blood (2017) and how the pictures in it transmit meaning. By using the method semiotic picture analyzis together ... -
Fumito Ueda - och samtalet mellan maskin och människa
(2018-04-12)This thesis approaches videogame-designer Fumito Uedas three major works, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus and The Last Guardian, through the theories of cybernetics. Mostly those of the philosopher and mathematician Norbert ... -
Det börjar med giftermål och slutar med…? skilsmässa eller en perfekt matchning i serien Gift vid första ögonkastet
(2018-04-12)Research about relationships and love is not a new phenomenon. The belief in true love can make people marry strangers on TV. The aim of this thesis was to examine the Swedish production of the TV-show Gift vid första ... -
Anti-genus i Sverige - En analys av Ivar Arpis kritik av genusvetenskapen
(2018-04-12)As the recently published scientific anthology Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe shows, antigender movements have been on a constant rise throughout Europe since the 1990s and are now a well-established part of the political ... -
”ALLA MÄNNISKOR ÄLSKAR OSS SÅ LÄNGE VI TILLHÖR DEM” - En studie av relationen mellan människor och människoliknande robotar i Westworld och Äkta Människor.
(2018-04-12)SUMMARY: In this study the goal has been to analyze how the relationship between humans and robots are represented in two science fiction series; Westworld and Real Humans (Äkta Människor). Based on the theories of Stuart ...