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dc.contributor.authorBogelöv, Karin
dc.description.abstractUnauthorized changes in listed buildings and environments occur all around Sweden. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine how these forms of transgressions have been and are being handled in some Swedish county administrations. What do legislation within conservation of heritage expresses when transgressions occur? How do county administrations interpret and apply legislation to actual situations? What methods do county administrations make use of to prevent unauthorized changes? 16 out of Sweden´s 21 county administrations have been studied and used as an empirical basis. This basis has led to a general conclusion of the county administrations experiences and working processes when handling unauthorized changes in listed buildings. How the county administrations respond and react to these changes varies depending of personal interpretation as well as the purpose of the listing and the transgression made. The dialog and communication between counties, owners, managers and users of listed properties are therefore a necessity in the preservation of the values they are considered to represent.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesISRN GU/KUV—09/24—SEen
dc.subjectlisted buildingsen
dc.subjectcultural heritageen
dc.titleOtillåtna ändringar av byggnadsminnen. Hur byggnadsminnesförändringar utförda utan tillstånd hanteras av länsstyrelsernaen
dc.title.alternativeTransgressions in listed buildings – How unauthorized changes in listed buildings are being handled in county administrationen
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Conservationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvårdswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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