Visas titlar 121-140 av 327

    • Evaluering och utveckling av bildbaserade positioneringssystemför självkörande skalade fordon 

      Aziz, Hawre Branzell, Alexander Hjerpe, Carl Almblad, Erik; Eriksson, Mattias; Krook, Robert (2017-08-10)
      Den här rapporten evaluerar olika strategier för autonom positionsbestämning av skalade självkörande fordon. Rapporten presenterar två olika positioneringssystem som med hjälp av en Raspberry Pi och tillhörande kameramodul ...
    • Open Source Security Token for Linux 

      Ben Mohammad, Johan Fredriksson, Adam Mathiesen, Christoffer Roxbergh, Elin Örtenberg, Gustav (2017-08-10)
      The project investigates and implements a two-factor authentication system utilizing the RSA cryptography scheme. The system consists of an FPGA security token and a PAM module for Linux. Two similar solutions were made, ...
    • Proof Editor for Natural Deduction in First-order Logic 

      Ly, Henry Björnsson, Elin Johansson, Fredrik Liu, Jan Olsson, Jesper; Widbom, Andreas (2017-08-10)
      The subject of this thesis is the presentation and evaluation of Conan, an editor for writing natural deduction proofs in first-order logic. The intent is for the editor to serve as a supplementary tool alongside a course ...
    • Procedural Generation of a 3D Terrain Model Based on a Predefined Road Mesh 

      Andersson, Matilda Burhöi Bengtsson, Fredrik Gelotte, Bjarne Graul Sagdahl, Jonas; Berger, Kim; Kvarnström, Sebastian (2017-08-10)
      This thesis studies procedural generation as a method for generating a realistic terrain model, that will be used as a part of a virtual environment for testing the cameras of autonomous vehicles. The project was done ...
    • Mobile App for Monthly Stock Savings 

      Krause, Niclas Bergbom, Katarina Ghaffarpour, Armand Swahn, Miki Tran Luu, Michelle Öhrn, Erik (2017-08-10)
      This bachelor thesis documents the procedure of evaluating methods for usability and software development. To achieve this, the goal is to develop an app for Sigmastocks AB. Sigmastocks provides a service for choosing ...
    • Virtual Reality Operating System Virtual Reality Operating System 

      Höglund, Andreas Falkengren, William Lilja, Malin Solback, Anton Strandman, Anton Swanberg, Johan (2017-08-10)
      New virtual reality (VR) technology has been developed and is reaching a broader consumer-base than ever before. However, no consumer operating system (OS) has been released optimized for VR. In this project, a concept ...
    • Augmenting Board Games using Virtual Reality 

      Eliasson, Fredrik Berndtsson, Daniel Dehmer Östebo, Martin Römer, Hanna Sandberg, Alexander (2017-08-09)
      Virtual reality, VR, is a relatively new technology which right now shows great commercial potential and garners the attention of many game developers. Even though many games and prototypes have been made using VR technology, ...
    • MatCoachen Utveckling av en motor för matplanering 

      Fritzon, Stefan Berg Marklund, Olof Fahlen, Emma Kindström, Fredrik Rost, Louise Snäll, Lisa (2017-08-09)
    • Javista Automated Assessment of Imperative Programs 

      Stern Kaar, Aleksander Algehed, Maximilian Farrokhzad, Mazdak Hultin, Joel; Boij, Simon (2017-08-09)
      This thesis presents a methodology and a tool for automated assessment of programming exercises, with the purpose of reducing the workload of teachers. Our aim is for the tool to provide accurate and useful assessment ...
    • Ziega Ett verktyg för rollspel i virtual reality 

      Kling, Niklas Davidsson, Rasmus Dragomir, Michael Ljungberg, Johan Rostedt, Henrik Uddeborg, Ulrika (2017-08-09)
      Virtual reality har funnits under en längre tid, men det har nyligen slagit igenom stort. Mer lättillgängliga VR-system har ökat användningen av VR, inte minst inom dataspelsindustrin, men det har ännu inte gjorts någon ...
    • Fast, Interactive Soft-Body Animation A Real-Time Physics Engine using Position-Based Dynamics 

      Ingemansson, Adam Andersson, Patrick Eriksson, Pontus Westlund Gotby, Ludvig (2017-08-09)
      Physics simulations for realistic computer graphics is a subject that has been around for a long time. This paper covers the implementation of a framework called Position-Based Dynamics with the goal to simulate real-time ...
    • Enabling test case selection of automatically generated unit tests through traceability: An empirical study 

      Jobe, Mariam; Mahboob, Mariam (2017-08-07)
      Anticipating the effects of changes/modifications to source code, is a difficult if not an impossible process, unless the right tools or methods are applied. One way of handling change impact analysis is through test ...
    • Usability Study of a Traceability Management Tool 

      Skytt, Per; Nersing, Tobias (2017-06-29)
      This study aims to add to the body of usability research especially in regards to software tools. There is a lack of consideration to usability and empirical evaluation of software tools for developers in general, and ...
    • Children Learning Object Oriented Programming: A Design Science Study 

      Gunnrup, Hampus; Balavi, Pooriya (2017-06-29)
      The discipline of teaching children is a topic that has been explored extensively throughout history. There are known theories about pedagogy which repeatedly have been proven to be successful, and have been used in ...
    • IT Competency Evaluation: A Case Study 

      Al-Eryani, Mohammed; Baldebo, Emil (2017-06-29)
      IT consulting companies must be able to select the best suited developers for their clients. A method of doing this is through competence evaluation. Sigma IT Consulting uses an excel sheet for employees to fill in their ...
    • Using Goal Models to Understand and Prioritize Requirements for E-learning Management Systems 

      Alibrahim, Sara; Lantz, Viktor (2017-06-22)
      Learning management systems are software applications which attempt to handle all aspects of the learning process, they are a crucial part of educational technology. This study investigates and models the functional and ...
    • Global Software Development and the Early Stages of Offshoring 

      Sanderson-Wall, Zoe (2017-06-22)
      Global Software Engineering (GSD) is becoming a more common practice as increasingly more companies seek to establish offshore offices. Previous studies have identified several effects that are attributed to GSD, including ...
    • Knowledge Integration In Self-Organizing Teams 

      Theodoridou, Petroula (2017-06-22)
      Self-organizing teams following agile ways of working are a common occurrence in the software engineering field. Adopting such practices is considered essential for practicing agile development as a whole [1][2]. This ...
    • APIs as Digital Innovation Objects - Implications on Requirements Elicitation 

      Törnlund, Mikaela; Ahraz Asif, Mohammad (2017-06-22)
      APIs as a way to expose business assets have become common across industry. Consequently insights into strategic API development practices are becoming more and more relevant. However domain specific knowledge for making ...
    • Visualization of Software Architecture based on stakeholders' requirements: Empirical investigation based on 4 industrial cases 

      Graduleva, Anna; Adibi Dahaj, Marjan (2017-06-22)
      Considering the rapid growth of software systems and consequential difficulties with development, evaluation, maintenance and reengineering, there is an emerging demand for effective means for communication of software ...