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dc.contributor.authorAndersson, Alissa
dc.description.abstractIn the early 80s, several new synthetic materials have come to be used in the treatment of canvas paintings, among them Plextol D 360, Plexisol P 550 and Beva 371. Today, many conservators find the information about the long term sustainability of these binding mediums to be incomplete. Evaluation of synthetic materials is mostly done through clinical research, sometimes artificial aging is simulated. The correlation between artificial and natural aging is however not established, useful information can therefore be gained through evaluations of actual conservation treatments. The intention of this study is to find out more about how the mentioned products perform over time in normal museum conditions. 104 Objects treated 10-35 years ago were examined non-invasively, in order to determine their current state. In most cases these binding mediums perform well. Since the chemical stability of acrylates – judging from the previous research – is proven to be good, and reasonably good in the case of Beva 371, it is the mechanic properties that are likely to fail over time. No correlation between the time passed and long term sustainability could be found. Sustainability seems to be highly dependent on the original properties of the object. Also important, in order to perform a sustainable conservation, is the method applied during the treatment. This study is also a survey of 16 painting conservators view on these binding mediums and methods. Here it can be concluded that these products are all in use, although 9 out of 16 wouldn’t use Plexisol P 550. Most painting conservators prefer protein glues for consolidation, but use these synthetics as alternatives for moisture-sensitive objects. Lining on Plextol D 360 is by several conservators seen as a reversible treatment. Minimum intervention and preventive conservation is seen as the most important principle in structural conservation of canvas paintings. According to this study, structural conservation with Beva 371 is more common today, compared to 10-35 years
dc.relation.ispartofseriesISRN GU/KUV—10/15--SEsv
dc.subjectStructural conservationsv
dc.subjectCanvas paintingssv
dc.subjectBeva 375sv
dc.subjectPlextol D 360sv
dc.subjectPlexisol P 550sv
dc.titleStrukturell konservering av måleri på duk Studie kring den långsiktiga stabiliteten hos Plextol D 360, Plexisol P550 och Beva 371sv
dc.title.alternativeSTRUCTURAL CONSERVATION OF CANVAS PAINTING Plextol D 360, Plexisol P 550 and Beva 371: study of the long term stabilitysv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Conservationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvårdswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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