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dc.contributor.authorAhlmark, Karl-Fredrik
dc.description.abstractThe slowing down of Turkey‘s accession negotiations with the EU has led to an increased emphasis of the foreign and security policy relationship. This thesis argues that this develop-ment, while merging with the EU enlargement policy, will have increased importance in the future. This creates the problem of how to measure Turkish compliance within this area, and the thesis advances the European Security Strategy (ESS) and the theory of human security (HS) as reasonable starting points. Besides elaborating on the possible problems appearing from this emerging merger, three explanatory continua – one treating socio-cultural secu-ritised/normative self-images at an aggregated level, the second traditional political cleavages and the third the notion of geography in the foreign and security policy formulation – are de-vised for the analysis of Turkey‘s orientation to these European views. This methodological skeleton aims moreover to circumvent the methodological nationalism easily trapping coun-try-based studies. In parallel to a discerned duality in the Turkish actorship, suggested to pro-vide a strategic quid pro quo between Turkish foreign and domestic policy, there are clear orientation to the European principles of the HS and the ESS. However, this does not in itself play to Turkey‘s advantage in the EU accession negotiations, the thesis
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEuropakunskap; uppsatssv
dc.subjectEuropean Union, Turkey, foreign and security policy, foreign policy, Human secu-rity, European Security Strategy, AKP, Davutoğlusv
dc.titleThe EU-Turkey Foreign Policy Relationship: A Security Approach - An analysis of Turkey’s orientation to the European Security Strategy and human security and its impact on the EU-Turkey relationshipsv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeMaster theses

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