Gothenburg Studies in Art and Architecture
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Editor: Karin Wagner
ISSN 0348-4114
Theses and other studies by members of the Department of Art of the University of Göteborg
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Recent Submissions
Audiovisual Constructions: Material Interrelations in Live Rock Performances
(2019-05-24)This dissertation examines and analyzes the material interrelations in audiovisual constructions of live rock performances. It explores the interrelations that take place among four key modes of a live rock performance’s ... -
”Fullständigt otillförlitlig, men absolut oumbärlig”. En historiografisk undersökning av projektet Svensk Stad
(2018-03-19)This dissertation is a historiographical study of the research project Svensk stad (Swedish Town). The project, lead by the professor in Art History Gregor Paulsson (1889-1977), included about 20 members and was conducted ... -
Temporalitet i visuell kultur. Om samtidens heterokrona estetiker
(2016-08-15)In contemporary society temporalities in different scales coexist, cooperate and collide. Clock time serves as a main reference for time, although a lot of processes have nothing to do with clock time and can’t be measured ... -
Tecknad tomboy – kalejdoskopiskt kön i manga för tonåringar
(2012-08-22) -
In-Between: Contemporary Art in Australia. Cross-culture, Contemporaneity, Globalization
(2011-09-23)This study emerges from the question: what is contemporary art, and mainly what criteria constitute contemporary art in a globalized art world in general? Thus, the focus of this dissertation is on the postcolonial context ... -
Knut Ströms scenografi och bildvärld. Visualisering i tid och rum
(2010-11-24)A pioneer in his field, Knut Ström (1887–1971) was a Swedish scenographer and director, who became the first professional scenographer in Sweden. He had an early international career in Düsseldorf during the 1910s but later ... -
Old Testament Apocryphal Images in European Art
(2010-01-04)This dissertation deals with representations in European art from the Old Testament Apocrypha. The OT Apocrypha are books of the Bible which are not part of the Hebrew Canon. Four Books from the Apocrypha have been ... -
Doft i bild. Om bilden som kommunikatör i parfymannonsens värld
(2009-09-11)This study evolves around advertising and image communication, especially concerning the image of scent, as in perfume. The image of scent is discussed from the perspective of how fragrance is depicted in advertising. Since ... -
Den romantiska postmodernismen. Konstkritiken och det romantiska i 1980- och 1990-talets svenska konst
(2008)Through a study of the reception that art critique gave the exhibition project Ibid. ( Stockholm 1982 1983 ) and the oeuvres of the artists Ola Billgren, Dick Bengtsson and Max Book, this thesis examines the way art critics ... -
Manifestation och avancemang. Eugen: konstnär, konstsamlare, mecenat och prins
(2008)Acta Universitatis GothoburgensisGothenburg Studies in Art and Architecture nr 26Manifestation och avancemangEUGEN: KONSTNÄR, KONSTSAMLARE, MECENAT OCH PRINSFil. mag Christina G. WistmanAkademisk avhandling för avläggande ... -
A Chinese Word on IMAGE. Zheng Qiao (1104-1162) and His Thought on Images
(2008)Gothenburg Studies in Art and Architecture nr 25Acta Universitatis GothoburgensisISSN 0348-4114Editor: Lena JohannessonDoctoral dissertation at Göteborg University, 2008ABSTRACTSi, HanA Chinese word on imageZheng Qiao ...