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Ageing and Conservation of Silk - Evaluation of Three Support Methods Using Artificiallay Aged Silk
(2015-10-19)The general aim of this thesis is to evaluate common remedial conservation support methods used in the conservation treatments of fragile silk costumes that have experienced physical damage. It is based on five papers. ... -
Balancing Building Conservation with Energy Conservation - Towards differentiated energy renovation strategies in historic building stocks
(2021-05-20)Balancing building conservation with energy conservation is challenging. The overall aim of this thesis is to bridge the perceived conflict of reaching climate and energy goals on the one hand and the goals of a sustainable ... -
Bonadsmåleri under lupp: Spektroskopiska analyser av färg och teknik i sydsvenska bonadsmålningar 1700-1870
(2012-10-02)The objects of this PhD thesis are Southern Swedish painted wall-hangings: folk art paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries. The aim and objective of the study are: to investigate the construction and manufacturing ... -
Bruk av kalk och sand ur ett hantverkligt perspektiv
(2015-02-25) -
Byggnaden som kunskapskälla
(2012-01-10)Buildings are indeed mute, yet many historians and architects claim that they can nevertheless speak. The challenge is to understand their language. This thesis examines the building as a source of knowledge. Setting out ... -
Conservation of the wood of the Swedish warship Vasa of A.D. 1628. Evaluation of polyethylene glycol conservation programmes
(2010-09-27)The principal aim of this dissertation is to investigate whether or not polyethylene glycol (PEG) has acted as a dimension stabilizing agent of the Vasa wooden material, i.e. whether or not the PEG molecules have penetrated ... -
Craft Sciences
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2022)The field of ‘Craft Sciences’ refers to research conducted across and within different craft subjects and academic contexts. This anthology aims to expose the breadth of topics, source material, methods, perspectives, and ... -
Decision making on indoor climate control in historic buildings: knowledge, uncertainty and the science-practice gap
(2016-09-09)Balancing use, preservation and energy use is a fundamental challenge for the whole heritage field. This is put to the point in designing and operating systems for indoor climate control in historic buildings, where competing ... -
Färgbilden som redskap vid växtkomposition
(Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för kulturvård, 2013)This licentiate thesis examines and discusses colour images, especially colour schemes, as a tool and method in the study of colour in the garden. The hypothesis is that the colour image is a tool to interpret, analyse, ... -
Förhandlingar om kulturföremål. Parters intressen och argument i processer om återförande av kulturföremål
(2017-03-03)Disputes over demands for a return of cultural objects, in many cases museum objects, are well known. But such conflicts can also be seen as negotiations, which can be analyzed as well. This thesis adds a negotiation ... -
Det frivillige fartøyvernet i Noreg - Historisk bakgrunn, omfang og motivasjon
(2020-06-03)Voluntary Ship Preservation in Norway: — Historical Background, Scope and Motivation Introduction: Today historic ships are recognised and publicly valued as an important part of Nor-way’s cultural heritage, with ...