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dc.contributor.authorBehlin, Anna-Klara
dc.description.abstractAims: The aim of this study is to describe how youth’s political exclusion is constructed as a social problem. This is done through a study of a project which aim is to engage young people in politics. Method and theory: By interviewing the project’s manager and developer as well as eight participating young people different constructions of the problem of youth political exclusion has been analyzed using the social constructionist perspective on social problems. Findings: The dominant perspective found in the empirical material includes framing young people’s lack of political knowledge and self-confidence as the reason for their political exclusion. Even though the Youth Board (ungdomsstyrelsen) in Sweden officially views all young people as a resource, when youth politics are implemented through projects, this is not the view that young people meet. Because projects need problems that can be solved through work with individuals, structural reasons (for example socioeconomic status) are neglected. Therefore the young people have to take full responsibility for their political exclusion. However, instead of framing young people as incompetent in political matters, it is argued that youth as a marginalized group have less access to alternative discourses and therefore are less likely to construct successful
dc.subjectSocial exclusionsv
dc.subjectSocial problemssv
dc.subjectYouth politicssv
dc.subjectSocial constructivismsv
dc.titleProblembilder av ungdomars politiska utanförskap - En studie av projektet ”Demokrati för alla”sv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborg University/ Department of Sociologyeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/ Sociologiska institutionenswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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