Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 141-160 av 501
Agriturism i Sverige - En paneldatastudie om agriturism och regional tillväxt i Sverige
(2019-09-10)This study examines the impact of agritourism on a regional growth in Sweden. Agritourism is charted by Swedish county and three different forms, related to wine or cider production, or traditional agritourism, in order ... -
The employment elasticity of economic growth - A global study of trends and determinants for the years 2000-2017.
(2019-09-05)In this paper, the employment elasticity of economic growth is calculated for 168 countries globally. The employment elasticity refers to the percentage change in employment associated with a 1% increase in GDP. Therefore, ... -
Gini-koefficienten och stödet för högerradikala Partier - En kvantitativ studie i hur sannolikheten för att rösta på högerradikala partier påverkas av förändringar i Gini koefficienten
(2019-08-26)This essay is a study on how changes in income inequality affects individuals’ probability of voting for radical right-wing parties in European countries. To do this, we use the Gini-coefficient as the sole indicator of ... -
Faktorer som får elever att uppnå betyget godkänt i årskurs 9
(2019-08-20)The results of Swedish school students graduating from 9th grade have been declining since the beginning of the 21th century. This have been shown repeatedly in both studies from PISA and TIMSS, which both test the abilities ... -
Market regulations targeting emissions from the European Union's milk industry - An Environmental Economic Thesis
(2019-08-08)The objective of the thesis is to investigate how two different emission tax levels can change the greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union’s milk industry. The two different tax levels are an EU ETS price of 25.85 ... -
On optimal tax rates and shifts in the peak of the Laffer curve - An empirical study of Swedish municipalities during the years from 2000 to 2017.
(2019-07-12)This report presents an empirical study of the average Laffer curve of Swedish municipalities, with a focus on determining whether the position of the peak of the curve has shifted or, put differently, whether the optimal ... -
Hur mycket installerad solcellseffekt (W) har solcellsstödet bidragit med i Sverige?
(2019-07-12)Sverige använder för lite solenergi idag jämfört med andra europeiska länder med samma solinstrålning. Tysklands utbyggnad av solcellsanläggningar har varit framgångsrikt och står idag för 8 % av energitillförseln av solel. ... -
The Effect of ESG on a Global Fund Market - Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in the investment strategy: A Global Market Research
(2019-07-12)This paper investigates the different performances of global funds when implementing an ESG-strategy during the period 2013 to 2018. Using the from Morningstar Direct, consisting of return, Morningstar Sustainability Rating, ... -
Testing the Performance of the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Fama-French Three-Factor Model - A study on the Swedish Stock Market between 2014-2019
(2019-07-12)The returns of potential investments are interesting for every investor. In this thesis we compared two financial models that are often used to predict expected returns of portfolios with different financial instruments. ... -
Försörjningsbördan - tillväxtens stora utmaning? En paneldataanlys över världens länder
(2019-07-12)This paper aims to investigate the relationship between economic growth and age dependency, divided into old and young, and include general government final consumption expenditure as an important control variable. Earlier ... -
Har storlek på fondförmögenhet påverkan på prestation? En kvantitativ studie om fonder med hänsyn till risk och avkastning
(2019-07-12)Syftet med studien är att kvantitativt undersöka om det föreligger någon skillnad i prestation mellan fonder med liten respektive stor fondförmögenhet. Studien är baserad på ett urval av svenska aktiefonder och omfattar ... -
Gasoline Demand in the Different Regions of Sweden
(2019-07-12)In this thesis, we study the price and income elasticities of gasoline demand in the different regions of Sweden. By collecting data for each region in the period between 2002-2017 we try to derive these elasticities. The ... -
Income Distribution and Happiness in Europe - Are Scandinavians more Sensitive to Inequality?
(2019-07-12)The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the effect of income inequality on happiness in Europe. A comparison between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe is made using cross-sectional data from the European Social ... -
Life expectancy and economic growth: AIDS as a natural experiment
(2019-07-11)The purpose of this study is to examine how life expectancy, as a measure for health, affects economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, the model specifications in this thesis include AIDS, which is assumed to ... -
Fler apotek i glesbygd? En undersökning av glesbygdsbidragets påverkan på tillgänglighet till apotek
(2019-07-11)God tillgänglighet till vård är en förutsättning för en god hälsa. År 2013 infördes ett glesbygdsbidrag för apotek med syftet att säkerställa en god tillgänglighet till läkemedel i glesbygd. Då få utvärderingar gjorts ... -
Utbildning och ekonomisk tillväxt i Sub-Sahara
(2019-07-11)e purpose of our paper is to examine the connection between higher education and economic development measured in terms of GDP and GDP per capita. We have used regression analysis in our study to see any relationship between ... -
ESG and Economics Performances - From a shareholder and a stakeholder perspective in Sweden and Norway
(2019-07-11)ESG and Economics Performances - From a shareholder and a stakeholder perspective in Sweden and Norway. -
The effect of trade openness on CO2 emissions
(2019-07-11)During the last decades, both trade and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have increased greatly. The plausible correlation between them is, therefore, an important question. The purpose of this thesis was to analyse the ... -
A study of sentiment and returns on the stock market
(2019-07-11)The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis has been to examine the relationship between sentiment and the stock market returns in Sweden and the United States of America. The focus was put on the corporate and consumer sentiment ... -
Immigration, education and employment - Does education affect assimilation of migrants in the labor market?
(2019-07-11)The aim of this paper is to analyze how the level of education affects the probability of being employed for immigrants in the United States (U.S.) during the period 2000-2017. To be able to estimate the effect of education, ...