Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 501
Auctions for a Brighter Future - Using an Agent-Based Model to Simulate Auctions of Solar PV in Sweden
(2022-07-07)Global warming is one of the most pressing threats to humanity of our time. One of the areas where transitioning towards sustainability is most urgent is in the energy sector. In this thesis, the implementation of an ... -
Betalningsviljan för Göteborgs botaniska trädgård: En kvantitativ studie baserad på contingent valuation
(2022-07-06)The aim of this study is to investigate visitors’ willingness to pay for Gothenburg’s botanical garden, based on its current state and after some improvement measures have been taken. For purposes of estimating the willingness ... -
Fuel Poverty and Health
(2022-07-06)For the past decade, fuel poverty has become a major health concern in developed countries. In this paper, we contribute to the literature by conducting the first study that seeks to determine if there exists a causal ... -
Covid-19 och börsvärdets påverkan av volatiliteten
(2022-07-06)Covid-19 has contributed to a major impact on the world economy. Stock markets have tumble and show to be more volatile than usual. In this study, we investigate if the size of a company matter in how volatile they are ... -
ESG and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from the Nordic countries
(2022-06-27)This study investigates whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance has an effect on the cost of debt for firms incorporated in the Nordic countries. In order to answer this research question, data was ... -
Negativa styrräntor och coronapandemins påverkan på avkastning på aktier
(2022-04-14)This study aims to examine how negative interest rates and the corona pandemic affect stock returns in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The study also controls for the effect of additional macroeconomic factors. Sweden and ... -
Har fondförvaltarens kön en påverkan på avkastningen?
(2022-04-12)Fund managers are a male-dominated profession, however, a majority of previous research shows that women have a inferior risk-adjusted return than men, while at the same time they tend to be more risk-averse than male ... -
Demand for voluntary health insurance - How people’s satisfaction with public healthcare affects demand for voluntary health insurance in the Beveridge countries Sweden, Denmark, and Spain
(2022-03-25)With a growing market for voluntary health insurance (VHI), knowing why individuals demand voluntary health insurance will be of interest for both policymakers and insurance companies. Shedding light on how people's ... -
How to choose green?
(2022-02-28)This paper investigates if there is any difference between active managed funds and passive managed funds in regard to their risk-adjusted return. The thesis focuses on Swedish sustainable funds that invest in accordance ... -
Handelskriget mellan EU och USA - hur påverkas Sveriges handelsflöde?
(2022-02-28)The purpose of this essay is to examine how the trade war between EU and the US has affected Sweden. We exploit monthly trade data and a method inspired by Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) to estimate how Sweden’s ... -
Investeringssparkontot - Effekterna av schablonbeskattning
(2022-02-28)In January 2012 the Swedish Government implemented the Investment Savings Account. There are now three different types of accounts, with different taxation rules, in which private investors can buy assets in. One of the ... -
Regiformens Inverkan - En studie om sambandet mellan dödlighet i covid-19 och regiform på Sveriges äldreboenden
(2022-02-28)Privatiseringen av välfärdstjänster i Sverige har under decennier varit föremål för diskussion. Kritiker till privata aktörers utbredning inom äldreomsorg har menat att säkerheten på äldreboenden äventyras, medans förespråkare ... -
Happiness and Income - Analysis of the relationship between happiness and income
(2022-02-28)The relationship between happiness and GDP per capita is relatively controversial due to the various findings. Therefore, this paper investigates the relationship between GDP per capita and happiness for 37 European countries ... -
Predicting hotel cancellations using machine learning
(2022-02-18)Room cancellations is a big challenge for the hotel industry since the number of guest affects the whole operational setup. The purpose of the thesis is to predict hotel cancella-tions using machine learning and analyse ... -
Black-Litterman Model for Portfolio Performance Enhancement - An Out-Of-Sample Evaluation of the Black-Litterman Model on a U.S. Stock-Dominated Portfolio
(2022-02-15)In this thesis, the Black-Litterman model is evaluated out-of-sample and compared to mean-variance and naïve allocation. Two references are implemented in the Black-Litterman framework, the minimum-variance and naive ... -
The relationship between change in form of government and economic growth after the end of the Cold War: a panel data regression analysis
(2022-02-15)This study aims to examine the relationship between the form of government and economic growth in the post-Cold War period. This is done with a panel data analysis, containing cross-sectional units of 145 countries with a ... -
En utvärdering av konkurrensverkets beslut gällande Coops förvärv av Netto Sverige
(2022-02-15)Denna studie utvärderar Konkurrensverkets (KKV) beslut gällande Coops uppköp av Netto år 2019. Livsmedelsmarknaden är koncentrerad, vilket innebär att det finns risk för förvärvet leder till en hämmande effekt för konkurrensen. ... -
Faktorer som påverkar bostadspriserna i Sveriges storstadsregioner - En empirisk undersökning om vilka effekter fundamentala faktorer har på bostadspriser med fokus på arbetslöshet
(2022-02-15)Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka effekten av makroekonomiska och sociodemografiska faktorer på bostadspriserna i Sveriges storstadsregioner mellan 2010–2019. De faktorer som undersökts är: arbetslöshet, inkomst, ... -
Making Use of the Factor Zoo: An unpretentious attempt to predict asset returns using machine learning methods.
(2022-02-15)Factor modeling with the purpose of estimating assets returns is a dynamic and ever changing subject within finance. Recent literature has presented over 300 different fac-tors that seem to have significance in predicting ... -
The Swedish inflation rate and stock market returns: does the Fisher effect exist?
(2022-02-15)In Sweden the annual inflation rate raised in September 2021 above the Sveriges Riksbank inflation target of two percent annually, which has been the central bank's inflation target since 1995. This created a discussion ...