Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 471
Ökad förskrivning av läkemedel - en effekt av långa vårdköer? En undersökning av sambandet mellan tillgängligheten till barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin och förskrivning av antidepressiva läkemedel.
(2020-07-03)In recent years, access to child and adolescent psychiatry has declined. At the same time, there has also been a rapid increase in prescription of antidepressants, particularly to children and young adults. The National ... -
Deep Learning and the Heston Model:Calibration & Hedging
(2020-07-03)The computational speedup of computers has been one of the de ning characteristics of the 21st century. This has enabled very complex numerical methods for solving existing problems. As a result, one area that has seen ... -
The Economic Impact of Increased Access to Commercial Banks in Ethiopia
(2020-07-02)Savings rates are strongly predictive of future economic growth and, for several reasons, it is difficult to save in areas where resources are scarce. Increasing access to financial services is crucial to efficiently ... -
En analys av volatiliteten på Stockholmbörsen 2007-2009.
(2020-07-02)This thesis examines the volatility on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the Great Recession in 2007-2009. In order to examine whether the financial crisis had a larger impact on any sector the report investigate the ... -
Pandemic Behavior: Economic Preferences and Perceptions regarding Covid-19
(2020-07-02)n early spring 2020, Covid-19 spread around the world and dominated the media coverage. It acutely impacted the global economy as countries went into lockdown and health services struggled to administer the situation. The ... -
Laddat för elektrifiering
(2020-07-02)Sweden is facing the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector and uses the electrification of the vehicle fleet as the main strategy. Since greenhouse gas emissions are a result of market ... -
Följdeffekten av familjeplanering på barnets hälsa i Matlab, Bangladesh. Finns det en quantity-quality trade-off?
(2020-07-02)This paper investigates whether the family planning and maternal child health program (MCH-FP) in Matlab, Bangladesh, which was operating between 1977 and 1990, had positive impacts on children’s health. The data was ... -
Nyttan av att uppnå god miljöstatus i den svenska Östersjön
(2020-07-02)The purpose of this study is to evaluate the benefit of achieving Good Environmental Status in the Swedish Baltic Sea. This was made possible by evaluating the descriptors of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive through ... -
(2020-07-01)This is a panel data study over 289 Swedish municipalities for the period of 2000–2018. The purpose of this study is to reinvestigate the relationship between long-term unemployment and violent crime, as well as ... -
Tidying up the factor zoo: Using machine learning to find sparse factor models that predict asset returns.
(2020-07-01)There exist over 300 firm characteristics that provide significant information about average asset return. John Cochrane refers to this as a “factor zoo” and challenges researchers to find the independent characteristics ... -
The difference in risk adjusted performance between socially responsible and conventional equity mutual funds - Evidence from Sweden
(2020-07-01)This thesis aims to study the difference in risk-adjusted performance between socially responsible (SR) and conventional equity mutual funds from a Swedish perspective. The study uses mutual fund data from the time-period ... -
Should electric cars pay? Exempting electric cars from the Gothenburg congestion charges
(2020-07-01)lead to health problems and early deaths, congestion leads to an increase in traffic accidents as well as increased travel times for people living in these areas. To combat these effects, several cities have instituted ... -
Age-disparate Partnerships and Socioeconomic Status - a study on HIV risk for adolescent girls and young women in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
(2020-06-30)This thesis investigates the relationship between socioeconomic status and age-disparate partnerships for adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 in KwaZulu-Natal. Age-disparate partnering is defined as engaging in a ... -
Statliga eller Privata PPM-fonder? En komparativ studie om att aktivt välja fonder eller passivt vara kvar i statens förvalsalternativ.
(2020-06-30)This paper examines the two investment strategies available within the Swedish Premium Pension System with the aim of illuminating whether it is more beneficial to actively select funds or to remain with the default portfolio ... -
The Effectiveness of Education Aid
(2020-06-30)This thesis investigates the impact of aid allocated to education on economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our study includes 37 countries within the region during the time period 2005-2018, with intentions to follow up ... -
The Effect of Environmental Policy Stringency on Environmental Innovations - A Cross Country Comparison
(2020-06-30)This thesis is a cross-country comparison based on panel-data across 30 countries from 1990-2012. It uses a Negative Binomial Regression Model to test The Porter Hypothesis to see if environmental policy stringency affects ... -
How have the sanctions against Russia and their counter sanctions affected the Russian trade? - An anlaysis of panel data using the gravity model
(2020-06-29)Economic sanctions are prevalent in the modern world as an alternative to war, instead aiming to maim economic growth and power by hindering trade. In recent times, sanctions have been imposed against many countries, Russia ... -
Life skills education: Reducing sexual risk behaviour among young women in South Africa? Analysing the effect of life skills education on life skills knowledge, sexual risk behaviour and HIV prevalence
(2020-06-29)South Africa is considered to be the epicentre of the HIV pandemic and its women are disproportionally affected by the disease. A key strategy to prevent and mitigate the spread of HIV infection is the implementation of ... -
Alla för alla, en för en: en kvantitativ analys av hur gemensam kontra individuell energimätning påverkar hushålls energiförbrukning.
(2020-06-29)The issue of climate change is becoming increasingly relevant and measures have been implemented all over the world to combat the resulting negative effects. A big emitter of greenhouse gases both in Sweden and internationally ... -
Effekten av makrotillsynsregleringar på bostadspriser
(2020-05-28)The aim of the thesis is to investigate the effect of implemented macroprudential tools after the financial crisis in 2008 on residential real estate prices. The aim is furthermore to compare the effect between different ...