Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 40
The Microfundations of Flexicurity
(2016-01-21)This thesis examines the microfoundations of flexicurity, an arrangement of policies that proponents claim can deliver a ‘win-win’ situation in the labour market. These policies include lax employment protection ... -
On the mechanisms of social inequality Studies of young people's educational outcomes, social participation and well-being
(2015-10-15)The present thesis seeks to explore the bases of social inequality, particularly how it is reproduced and can potentially be counteracted. The aim is to describe and explain how structural factors – first and foremost class ... -
Distributed Leadership in Local School Organisations. Working for School Improvement?
(2015-08-27)This thesis takes its point of departure from the recent increased interest in leadership, and especially distributed leadership. Educational research states that if schools are to meet future demands, leadership must rest ... -
Governing the unaccompanied child – media, policy and practice
(2014-08-12)Through three different case studies, this thesis analyzes how unaccompanied minors are constructed and governed as a specific group of refugees in Norway and Sweden. The first study investigates the Norwegian and Swedish ... -
Europafacklig samverkan. Problem och möjligheter
(2014-05-26)The overarching aim of this thesis is to examine the conditions for cooperation among trade unions in Europe, and to identify factors making it easier or more difficult. The dissertation centers on two crucial areas: ... -
De mest lämpade – en studie av doktoranders habituering på det vetenskapliga fältet
(2014-05-22)This thesis is about the university as a workplace. Essentially, it addresses postgraduate studies, doctoral students’ work conditions, and how these students are schooled to become researchers. The overarching purpose of ... -
Geographies of eHealth: Studies of Healthcare at a Distance
(2014-05-16)This thesis examines the proliferation of healthcare services using information and communication technology to overcome spatial and temporal obstacles. These services are given such names as telemedicine and telecare, which ... -
Caring (in) Diaspora: Aging and Caring Experiences of Older Turkish Migrants in a Swedish Context
(2013-11-25)This thesis investigates Turkish migrants’ aging experiences and their understandings about care by concentrating on the accounts of a group of first-generation Turkish immigrants who settled in Sweden in the late 1960s ... -
Contextualizing managerial work in local government organizations
(2013-11-21)This thesis is about managerial work in local government organizations. The purpose is to explain important aspects of managerial work with the help of a contextual perspective. The focus is on managers at the operational ... -
Educational choices of the future. A sociological inquiry into micro-politics in education
(2013-05-24)This thesis investigates how students’ practical considerations for future choices in education and occupations correspond to policy objectives of socially productive educational choices. This is conveyed through the primary ... -
Från miljonprogram till högskoleprogram - plats, agentskap och villkorad valfrihet.
(2013-05-16)This is a dissertation about young people’s experiences of their journeys from a socially marginalized suburb to higher education. Many students from these areas do not continue to higher education, but some do. There is ... -
What Is the Problem of Gender? Mainstreaming Gender in Migration and Development Policies in the European Union
(2013-01-10)This dissertation deals with the analysis of representations and discourses of gender (in)equality contained in policy texts at the EU level. The period under examination is 2005–2010. Following the academic debate, I show ... -
Meddelanden från enskildheten En sociologisk studie av ensamhet och avskildhet. 2012
(2012-10-24)This study explores how loneliness and solitude are constructed as problems and how they are explained by ”society” in different forms of texts and by people who themselves define their situations as characterized by ... -
Inhyrningens logik - konsekvenser för individ och organisation
(2012-05-23)The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the consequences of the use of temporary agency work from an individual- and organisational perspective. The thesis is built upon a multidisciplinary theoretical framework ... -
Unleashing Science Popularisation: Studies on Science as Popular Culture
(2012-03-30)This thesis aims to broaden the concept of science popularisation. It argues that the conventional view of popularisation as the public communication of appropriately simplified versions of established facts to lay audiences ... -
Criminal Records in Sweden. Regulation of Access to Criminal Records and the use of Criminal Background Checks by Employers.
(2012-03-05)This thesis examines the regulation of access to criminal records in Sweden and the actual and potential use of criminal background checks by employers in hiring processes. In recent years, more and more Swedish employers ... -
Studier i tidsmässig välfärd - med fokus på tidsstrategier och tidspolitik för småbarnsfamiljer
(2012-02-29)The experience of time pressure is widespread in Swedish society. The aim of this dissertation is to develop knowledge about the possibilities of increasing temporal welfare among families with small children. The dissertation ... -
Offentlighetens gränser: Fem kultursociologiska studier av kontroverser kring litterära självframställningar i Sverige, 1976-2008
(2012-02-16)This dissertation deals with normative boundaries in the Swedish literary public sphere between 1976 and 2008. One aim of the study is to map changes and continuities in the boundary between public and private as defined, ...