dc.description.abstract | In the project, my ambition was to make a stage design for theater with
teenagers as target group. I have worked with the musical theater group
Theater ACTA in Gothenburg and independently from scripts, interpreted
and shaped an outline for the basis of the set design of the play’s different
elements. The play, If this was a feel-good movie, is written by Elin Frost
and Anna Lundholm, two members of Theater ACTA. The story is about
three people in their twenties with different relationships to each other and
one week that would change their lives. The show has many elements of
dance and choreography and two musicians will be sitting in the back of the
stage and create sound effects during the show.
There were seven locations written in the script: 1. The apartment, 2. Agnes
dance, 3. Hospital Corridor, 4. Minigolf course, 5. In the attic, 6. Outside
the barn and 7. The grave.
I visualized the theme, feel-good movie, by using light, bright colors that
would reflect the feeling of the script and hold the scenes together.
It was important that the changes of the scenes, were made quickly and by
the actors themselves. Therefore I worked with multi-functional elements
and backgrounds that could be flipped around, and change the set to the
next scene. The story are told from the character, Sebastians, perspective.
Therefor I wanted him to be the one moving around all the props.
The audience are sometimes interacting with the play so that they would feel
more involved. | sv |