School of Global Studies / Institutionen för globala studier: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 81-100 av 399
Sustainable or sustaining status quo? A critical analysis on depoliticization and the European Green Deal
(2021-09-02)Green New Deals is a relatively new phenomenon in environmental policy which takes a holistic approach and aims to bridge ecological sustainability and social justice. In 2019, the European Union became the first major ... -
A Bloody Waste: Embodied perspectives on menstrual materials, waste and responsibility among Swedish menstruators
(2021-09-02)Every day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are menstruating. While questions around menstruation have gained a growing public and academic interest in recent years, which has successfully emphasized and ... -
Ensamkommande barn: En diskursanalys av den retoriska utvecklingen i USA
(2021-09-02)Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka åtta kommittémöten i den amerikanska kongressens representanthus för att se hur retoriken ser ut kring ensamkommande barn för åren 2015–2019. Specifikt innebär detta att med hjälp ... -
More sharing, more caring? Kumulativa effekter av delningstjänster: En kvalitativ studie om Leksaksbibliotekets påverkan på sina medlemmars inställning till hållbarhet
(2021-08-26)This thesis examines the views on consumption and sustainability held by members of sharing economy concepts and how their behavior is affected, using the example of Leksaksbiblioteket, a toy library in Gothenburg, Sweden. ... -
Tillit i “särskilt utsatta områden” i Angered stadsdel: En fallstudie om den polisiära verksamheten i särskilt utsatta områden
(2021-08-05)During the past decades the world's democracies have slowly eroded by the process of polarization by reasons such as a lack of common ground which is increasing the perspective of us versus them. Digital media has ... -
Hållbar utveckling för vem?: En studie av Skogsupprorets förståelse av konflikten mellan samer och skogsindustrin i Sveriges hållbara omställning
(2021-07-09)Sverige ställer just nu om till en hållbar utveckling där ingen ska lämnas utanför. På grund av omställningen har utvinning av naturresurser i Sápmi ökat. Skogsråvaror har en betydande roll i omställningen, vilket medfört ... -
Hur motiveras svensk biståndspolitik genom diskurser om säkerhet?: En kritisk diskursanalys av policyramverket för svenskt utvecklingssamarbete och humanitärt bistånd (2016)
(2021-07-07)This essay is a critical discourse analysis of representations of security that are visible in the Swedish aid policy. The text aims to analyse discourses of security, through lenses of poststructuralist critique, in the ... -
Friterade sjöstjärnor, knöltångssallad eller panerad signalsjögurka till lunch?: En studie av svenska kustboendes acceptans till alternativa typer av havsmat
(2021-07-07)This paper applies an explorative approach to research south Swedish coast inhabitants’ acceptance towards local non-traditional seafood. The paper’s basis is derived from a report that points out the potential of ... -
Främmande arter - människor eller växter?: En idéanalytisk studie kring Nordiska motståndsrörelsens miljöpolitik
(2021-07-07)Environmental politics and climate change are often associated with political groups that are a part of the left-wing. This study examines an exception from this; The Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR), which is the biggest ... -
Flyga till skidsemestern: En intervjustudie om uppfattningar, dissonans och förnekelse hos flygresande skidåkare
(2021-07-07)Air travel has been pointed out as one of our times biggest challenges in fighting climate change. With increasing numbers of passengers and technical solutions to reducing emissions possibly decades away, the Swedish ... -
The Wall: The Right to Liberty and Security at the US–Mexico Border
(2021-07-01)The migration and refugee situation on the US–Mexico border has been heavily debated and caused a lot of controversy in the last couple of years, much as a consequence of the Trump administration’s immigration policy and ... -
Otrygghet från ett människorättsperspektiv: (O)jämställd trygghet på BmSS i Göteborgs Stad
(2021-07-01)Sweden has ratified fundamental human rights conventions such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The Convention of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Rights of Persons ... -
Whores, idiots and sub-humans: A study of the of hate directed at reality profiles and influencers on Flashback in 2020
(2021-07-01)Hate speech, hateful messages, slander, and other disparaging expression have not been part of the public debate or dialogue but is more apparent on the internet and the online world. A group that has been exposed to a ... -
(2021-07-01)This study examines international student mobility from Uganda to Sweden to understand how this mobility is mediated. More specifically, the study examines the use and impact of intermediaries involved in the student ... -
Challenges within Scaling: Tradeoffs and Tensions
(2021-07-01)Clothing brands implementation of supply chain sustainability in regards to controlling the labor rights of suppliers has long taken the form of auditing, compliance and monitoring. However, critics argue that these methods ... -
AUSTERITY AND THE SWEDISH POLITICAL ECONOMY: A Case Study on the Rise of the Swedish Consolidation State
(2021-06-29)Following the 1990-1994 crisis, the Swedish government embarked on an ambitious austerity programme that transformed the Swedish polity beyond recognition. This has given rise to a ‘consolidation state’ that operates ... -
Vårt enda värde är som offer: En intervjustudie om svenska sexarbetares perspektiv på avkriminalisering av köp av sexuella tjänster.
(2021-06-24)The aim of this study is to deepen Sweden’s understanding of the prostitution debate by including sex workers’ perspectives. More specifically, it aims to analyze what sex workers think about the ‘Nordic Model’ VS. the ... -
Tillgänglighet till sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) för kvinnor i Sverige med erfarenhet av flykt: En kvalitativ studie utifrån yrkesverksammas syn på tillgänglighet
(2021-06-16)This qualitative study aims at examining how professionals who work with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for refugee women in Sweden view these women’s accessibility to SRHR. For a person to achieve good ... -
No jobs on a dead planet: Swedish unions’ perceptions of their roles in a just transition
(2021-06-15)If we are to avoid the worst-case scenarios of climate change and environmental issues, we must drastically reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. Such a transition to an ecologically sustainable society has far-reaching ... -
Trygghet i Tynnered: En kvalitativ studie om den upplevda tryggheten i Tynnered och inställning till säkerhetsåtgärder
(2021-06-09)“Trygghet i Tynnered” (Safety in Tynnered) is a qualitative study researching the how residents and professionals interprets the concepts of safety and security as well as their attitudes towards implemented, planned and ...