School of Global Studies / Institutionen för globala studier: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 399
Volontärturism - en “win-win situation”?: En kvalitativ studie i hur volontärresor porträtteras på Instagram
(2020-10-02)Volunteer tourism, mainly relating to travelling from countries in the global North to the global South, has emerged as a global trend and fast-growing tourism industry since the turn of the millennium 2000. In the globalized ... -
To certify or not to certify: A qualitative investigation into producer sentiments surrounding sustainability certifications in the Spanish wine industry
(2020-09-04)As the popularity of sustainably-produced wines continues to grow, wine producers are seeking to market sustainable practices through certification schemes, in order to gain advantage in the competitive global wine ... -
The forgetting institution: Memory and oblivion in the National History Museum in contemporary Albania
(2020-09-03)National museums are institutions that exhibit historical narratives politically influenced by individuals, groups or governments. These actions are implemented inside the exhibition space of museums through the creation ... -
Free Trade Agreements and Gender (In)Equality: The Possible Gendered Consequences of the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement
(2020-08-07)The newly negotiated Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur has provoked both political and public controversy. Gender equality is one of the core values of the EU, and a prerequisite for ... -
Vit, vacker, värdefull:en kvalitativ studie av vithetsideal och dess betydelse på Bali, Indonesien.
(2020-08-06)Using interviews and observations, this qualitative study examines the value of bright and white skin in Bali, Indonesia, and how this correlates to social and economic status. The study uses a postcolonial framework to ... -
Svarta kvinnor, vita rum: En studie om svarta kvinnliga studenters upplevelser inom svenska universitet och erfarenheter på arbetsmarknaden efter utbildningen
(2020-08-06)This qualitative interview study explores and analyzes how five black female students in Sweden experience their time at university and how the academic rooms are oriented towards whiteness. The study also depicts their ... -
SAVING THE PLANET OR SAVING MONEY?:Qualitative Study of the Foodsharing User Motives in Borås, Sweden
(2020-07-07)Given the rise of ICTs and the sharing economy, grassroots initiatives emerge as a complement to food banks in order to tackle the food waste problem at the local level. Foodsharing collaborates with local food operators ... -
Veganism through an intersectional lens:A study on racial perspectives in the Swedish vegan community
(2020-07-07)During the past decade, veganism has increased in the global North. In current debates in the U.S., the vegan community has been accused of being a white, privileged lifestyle movement that reinforces neoliberal attitudes ... -
Från kunskap till förändring: En explorativ studie inifrån fyra förändringspraktiker för ett mer hållbart Göteborg
(2020-07-01)The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature of sustainability transitions and sustainability practices for change towards sustainability. The study aims to explore how a deeper understanding of ... -
Hinder och begränsningar för flyktingkvinnor i Sverige att uppnå sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR): En kvalitativ undersökning om flyktingkvinnors barriärer till SRHR-vård
(2020-07-01)Health is a universal human right which includes ones sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It is covered in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as a vital part for women’s health, yet for many women these ... -
Varför är det få kvinnor på ordinarie chefsbefattningar i yttre tjänst?: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga polisers upplevelser av att söka och verka som chef i yttre tjänst
(2020-06-30)Only 14% of the leadership positions in the outside service are held by women, in the inside service however that number is 43% (in the Gothenburg area). Why are there are so few women in leadership positions in the ... -
"They don't exactly talk about it in school": A field study about the effects of family planning programs on university students in Equatorial Guinea
(2020-06-18)Family planning help individuals achieve their right to health and strengthen their independence. Despite effort to increase access to family planning methods worldwide, less than half of the demand for safe family planning ... -
ÖSTTYSK IDENTITET I NUTIDENS TYSKLAND - En studie om generationen efter murens fall
(2020-04-09)Syfte: Undersöka identiteten hos tyskar födda/uppväxta i f.d. DDR efter 1990. Teori: Bourdieus habitusbegrepp och sociala kapital. Metod: Etnografiskt fältarbete, intervjuer, informella samtal och deltagande ... -
Understanding Brexit - mainstream and counterpoint within the United Kingdom
(2020-02-27)The referendum on Brexit in 2016 revealed a divide within the United Kingdom, with England and Wales voting in favour of leaving the EU, while Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Gibraltar voted remain. The thesis analyses ... -
En policyanalys av Sidas styrdokument angående deras integrering av FN:s ramverk Human Rights Based Approach
(2020-02-18)Human rights became an important part of the development aid sector in 2003, due to the UN framework Human Rights Based Approach, HRBA. It is used across the sector, including within the Swedish state aid agency, Sida. ... -
What constitutes right-wing extremism? - An analysis of three European political parties
(2020-02-18)The end of World War II resulted in the dissolvent of the German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) and the Italian Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF). The strength of fascist and national socialist ... -
Using Conservation Conflict Transformation as a Framework to Address Social Conflict Over Wildlife in a Swedish County
(2020-02-18)In Europe, and throughout the world, the return and preservation of large carnivores is escalating tensions between stakeholder groups, as well as between local actors and authorities. While wolf conservation efforts ... -
CONTESTING URBAN PUBLIC SPACE AS COMMONS - A study on the common usage of public parks in Barcelona-Sants
(2020-02-18)Urbanisation is one of the major trends in globalisation. An influx of heterogenous urban dwellers to a densely built urban environment contains potential for conflicts. With increasing heterogeneity, public space in cities ... -
Pokot Young Pastoralists at the Crossroads - Tradition, Modernity and Land Tenure Transformations in East Pokot, Kenya
(2020-02-18)East Pokot, in North-Western Kenya, falls under the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of the Sub-Saharan region. Due to the yearly prolonged dry seasons, pastoralism has traditionally guaranteed the most reliable source ... -
”Jag vill gärna göra motstånd, men jag vill inte vara motstånd” – En studie av hur icke-binära könsidentiteter relaterar till performativitet och motstånd
(2020-01-10)The aim of this study was to answer the following two questions relating non-binary gender identities to performativity and resistance: In which ways do performativity relate to the creation of non-binary gender identities? ...