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A Good Education?: A descriptive study of the implementation of critical thinking, international cooperation and sustainable development in Gy11 and SAMSAM01b
(2014-11-05)This thesis provides a descriptive study from a pedagogic perspective that analyzes objectives, directives and content related to the social science core class, SAMSAM01b, at Gothenburg public high schools. The purpose ... -
Återkomsten av djungelns lag: om svensk arbetarrörelse och prekariatet
(2016-05-24)Hobbe’s Leviathan has not only proved important for the theory of International Relations. This explorative study suggests that Hobbe’s experiences from the British civil war (1648-51), “bellum omnium contra omnes”, and ... -
Bias much?: Hugo Chavez media portrayal during the presidential election of 2012.
(2013-03-15)This is a study in International Relations with the definition of International Relations as being how we understand what happens and even how we come to define some international events as more worthy of coverage than ... -
BRI- En idé om en ny värld som materialiseras genom infrastruktur? En kritisk diskursanalys om hur BRI:s nyckeldokument utmanar idéer och normer inom den globala styrningen Katarina Hedencrona
(2021-02-09)The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a Chinese infrastructure project, initiated in 2013, with a plan to be finished in 2049. The project has received a great amount of media attention and has been scrutinized carefully ... -
“Det mäktigaste landet i världen”: En diskursanalys av USA:s identitetsskapande genom kärnvapenstrategi under president Obama respektive Trump
(2022-04-07)This bachelor thesis analyzes how identity is constructed through US nuclear strategy along three themes. The research questions are: which similarities and differences exist between the US nuclear strategy during ... -
Ensamkommande barn: En diskursanalys av den retoriska utvecklingen i USA
(2021-09-02)Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka åtta kommittémöten i den amerikanska kongressens representanthus för att se hur retoriken ser ut kring ensamkommande barn för åren 2015–2019. Specifikt innebär detta att med hjälp ... -
Euroskepticism i västeuropeiska storpartier: En jämförelsestudie av svenska Socialdemokraterna och brittiska Conservative Party
(2015-05-26)Denna studie jämför euroskepticismen inom två europeiska partier, Socialdemokraterna i Sverige och The Conservative and the Unionist Party i Storbritannien, i syfte att bidra till svaret på följande frågor: vilka faktorer ... -
Export processing zones and the influence of the state: About export processing zones in Bangladesh
(2014-06-30)This paper analyzes the characteristics and the performance of the Export Processing Zones in Bangladesh to bring a broader understanding of the Export Processing Zones, in relation to the globalization and the state’s ... -
Hur motiveras svensk biståndspolitik genom diskurser om säkerhet?: En kritisk diskursanalys av policyramverket för svenskt utvecklingssamarbete och humanitärt bistånd (2016)
(2021-07-07)This essay is a critical discourse analysis of representations of security that are visible in the Swedish aid policy. The text aims to analyse discourses of security, through lenses of poststructuralist critique, in the ... -
Hur olika nationer framställs - En kritisk diskursanalys av Donald Trump
(2019-09-17)Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att belysa USA:s inflytande på konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina. Genom att titta närmare på hur Donald Trump porträtterar de olika aktörerna kan vi få en känsla för talets inverkan på ... -
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Humanitarian Law: A mixed-methods study to understand and explain how states’ position themselves vis-à-vis lethal autonomous weapons systems compliance with international humanitarian law
(2020-11-17)The purpose of this study is to understand and explain how states’ position themselves vis-à-vis lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL). It is important to understand ... -
Local Entertainers in Cebu, Philippines: Entertainment and Sex Work: The Struggle for Empowerment
(2022-11-09)The purpose of this thesis is to examine why local women in Cebu, Philippines, chose to work as entertainers and sex workers. It will examine how their occupation affect their daily lives, in regard to their economy ... -
Losers of modernization or modernization winners?
(2013-10-09)In this study we explore the links between neoliberalism and the radical right of the modern day. We have examined four party programs and used a Critical Discourse analysis to analyze them. To our help with the Critical ... -
Perceiving Terrorism: A survey experiment about how Swedish students define terrorism based on the perpetrator’s ethnicity
(2019-02-20)The purpose of this study is to analyze how students perceive the concept of terrorism based on the ethnicity ascribed to the perpetrator. Studies conducted in the US have shown that the public defines political violence ... -
R2P as a global principle?: A case study of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
(2015-02-17)The principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has been described as revolutionary in its affect on the relationship between the concepts of humanitarian intervention and national sovereignty by placing an even greater ... -
Say no to racism?: FIFAs antirasism ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv
(2013-10-09)The purpose of this thesis is to historically describe how Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) interprets how the discourse of anti-racism has developed within their own organization throughout the ... -
Securing the Heterosexual State: A study of the political debate surrounding homosexuality in Uganda
(2015-12-02)In 2009 a Ugandan Member of Parliament presented the so called Anti Homosexuality Bill to the Ugandan parliament. The Bill offers extensive restrictions in order to combat homosexuality, which is already a crime in Uganda. ... -
Securitizing the Virtuality of the Real: A Gramscian Analysis of the Securitization of U.S. Cyberspace Governance.
(2013-05-07)This thesis analyzes the contemporary conformations of governance in the U.S. discourse on cyberspace through a Gramscian theory of International Relations. The thesis primarily focuses upon the question of governance ... -
Somaliska pirater - ett mycket litet problem: En undersökning av Sveriges arbete gällande frågan om somaliska pirater under 2009-2010.
(2013-10-16)During 2009-2010 Sweden participated in an international military operation whose intention, according to the Swedish news media, was to fight Somali pirates. The purpose of this thesis is to study various decisions and ... -
Suveränitet kontra humanitär intervention i Libyen 2011
(2013-07-19)For one month during the beginning of 2011, the world followed the violent events in Libya. During this time the United Nations was faced with a complex question, could they handle the ongoing violence and find a solution ...