Global Studies: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 61-80 av 127
The ultimate border between the East and the West
(2019-08-07)The worst humanitarian crisis that we are currently watching has prompted to a rise of refugration flows in today’s globalised world. During the European refugrant crisis the EU external borders were under pressure and ... -
“Development is the new Peace”: A case study on Pastoral Social Pasto’s role as a local actor in the peacebuilding process in the Colombian region of Nariño
(2019-06-14)The aim of this study is to analyze the role of Pastoral Social Pasto as a case of a local actor within the peacebuilding process in the Colombian region Nariño. Colombia suffered from an internal armed conflict that endured ... -
Local Ownership and Development Aid: The Case of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme
(2019-02-06)The concept of local ownership has increasingly become a leading principle of development cooperation. While it is generally accepted that more ownership means more sustainability, there is still much to be done in order ... -
The Perpetual Colonial Situation: Language and Dominance in Taiwan
(2019-02-04)In Taiwan today, 96% of the population speaks Mandarin. Yet, Mandarin speakers were rare, if not totally absent, on the island before 1945. How should we understand this transformation? Throughout history, the island had ... -
Bearing of the International System in a south-south cutting-edge free trade agreement: The case of the free trade agreement between Uruguay and Chile
(2019-02-04)Uruguay signed a cutting-edge free trade agreement with Chile that triggered political discussions on the impact it would have on Uruguay’s development. This agreement is the first bilateral trade instrument framed under ... -
Resistance in everyday encounters with racism: A study on how five young women of colour respond to the everyday racism they experience in Sweden
(2018-10-30)Racism can be maintained and spread in a society through seemingly small everyday actions. In Sweden, this everyday racism often aims to point out that a non-white body is not Swedish by questions and comments on a person’s, ... -
Writing about Terrorism: Journalistic Methodology and Peace Journalism
(2018-09-18)Mass media and journalists have faced criticism from academia due to a perceived tendency to present conflicts without paying sufficient attention to details, instead focusing on ‘sensational’ aspects, which will attract ... -
Children's access to nature in the city: A study on preschools in Gothenburg
(2018-09-17)There are countless studies showing that nature benefit children's physical and psychological health and many are concerned over the trends indicating that children's health is getting worse. Urban areas do not provide an ... -
Autonomous Weapons – the “Kalashnikovs” of Tomorrow? An Analysis of the Meetings of Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems within the framework of the United Nations' Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
(2018-02-09)After the invention of gunpowder and the development of nuclear weapons, the world faces a third revolution in warfare: lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS). Since 2014, states, scientists and civil society activist ... -
Responsibility to Protect – A larger tool than anticipated? An analysis of the potential usage of structural violence in the Responsibility to Protect
(2017-11-23)On a daily basis, many people around the world die due to starvation, structural discrimination and other actions which can be prevented by state actors. The international community has agreed that the sovereignty of the ... -
Welcome to the new jungle: A discourse analysis of the securitization of migration in the Calais crisis in British media
(2017-07-03)Since the end of the Cold War there has been a change in what is considered a security issue and a focus on 'softer security' issues, such as migration. As argued by researchers, the media has been a site for anti-illegal ... -
Women’s land rights under the Mozambican Land Law: An ethnographic study of the matrilineal district of Majune, Niassa province, northern Mozambique
(2017-07-03)The Mozambican Land Law (Lei de Terra) that was passed in 1997 seeks to formalize customary rights at a community level and provide equal access to land for men and women, while securing external investors access to land ... -
Struggling to Feel at Home: An Inquiry into Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees' Experiences of Reintegration
(2017-05-10)This thesis investigates the reintegration process of Sri Lankan Tamil returnees. After the Sri Lankan civil war ended in 2009, a number of refugees who lived in exile in India returned to their country of origin. This ... -
"We do not want any refugees!": The Perception of Identity on Migration Crisis and the Migration Crisis Implications on Hungary
(2017-04-20)This study aims to investigate to what extent identity plays a role in Hungary’s policy and stance towards the migration crisis which occurred in the middle of 2015. Since it started, Hungary has shown its strong stance ... -
Water Management in the midst of Climate Change and Growing Tourism: A Field Study from the Peruvian Andes
(2017-03-28)According to climate researchers, melting glaciers is one of the most sever effects of the global climate change. Peru that contains more than seventy percent of the world’s tropical glaciers is particularly vulnerable ... -
Experiences of Black Womanhood in Swedish Academia: Contested Narratives
(2016-12-14)This thesis explores how black women as students and faculty members experience racism in Swedish universities, and what strategies they use to cope and resist. Through their lived experiences and autoethnographic elements ... -
Global Journalism: A fancy concept of wishful thinking or a news style on the rise?
(2016-10-20)This thesis aims to examine the occurrence of global journalism as a news style in Swedish newspapers, and to show not only to what extent global journalism occurs in relation to the more traditional domestic and foreign ... -
“We Forgive, But We Do Not Forget”: An Ethnographic Account of Assyrian Christians’ Trails of Trauma and the Making of ‘the Muslim’
(2016-10-19)This thesis highlights the multiple layers of how an Assyrian Christian minority group in Sweden constructs the image of ‘the Muslim’. The thesis contributes to a larger debate about diaspora, reconciliation, and local ... -
Disabled Human Rights?: A critical study of the implementation of disability rights in a globalized Nepal.
(2016-10-07)This thesis scrutinizes the governance of the implementation of disability rights in Nepal in the realm of neo-liberal globalization, and the different power positions that are produced during the process. Within Western ... -
To mediate climate change: A comparative study of Swedish news media representation of climate change risks
(2016-09-30)One of the most serious global issues presently is climate change. News media has an important role in informing the public about issues such as climate change and contributes to shape public opinion and the political ...