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(2022-01-21)The efforts of human rights defenders play a crucial part in advancing human rights around the world. For these efforts, many defenders are at risk. In light of many attacks in recent years, it is clear that defenders are ... -
A Human Rights Based Approach: An Option for Attaining Sustainable Development in Cameroon
(2018-03-15)This dissertation discusses the importance of human rights to the attainment of development. All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil and political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law ... -
A Qualitative Approach to Refugee Law and International Migrant Legislation: The Life Stories of Venezuelan Emigrants
(2017-10-04)This research studies the Venezuelan emigrants’ case in order to contest refugee law and international migrant legislation. Fragments-of-life-stories & semi-structured interviews were used as bottom-up approach, and document ... -
Allmänhetens försvarare eller statens förlängda arm?: Lokala antidiskrimineringsbyråers arbete mot diskriminering i Nederländerna
(2021-10-04)Local actors working with human rights and legal aid are common in most countries. One ex-ample is local antidiscrimination agencies which can be found in countries such as Sweden, Spain and the Netherlands. The local ... -
Am I not a woman even when I am pregnant?: An analysis of the development of fetal rights in policy documents in Europe and how pregnant women are fetal containers and second-class citizens
(2021-10-14)This thesis focuses on the development of fetal rights in policy documents in Europe and how fetal rights and the protection of fetal life can be a part of the discussion of how pregnant women are associated with being ... -
Are polygamous marriages to be considered a human rights violation or a human rights realization in the contexts of Sweden and Tanzania?
(2017-06-28)This two-case study “Are polygamous marriages to be considered a human rights violation or a human rights realization in the contexts of Sweden and Tanzania?” focuses on whether polygamous marriages can be considered a ... -
”Att försvara människors rätt och stå på de förtrycktas sida” En kvalitativ studie om implementering av mänskliga rättigheter i Svenska kyrkan
(2020-11-27)In order for human rights to be fully realized, the responsibilities of the civil society are increasingly being discussed. There is, however, a lack of research on the implementation of human rights within civil society ... -
Att tolka och arbeta med mänskliga rättigheter: en jämförelse mellan förvaltningar och bolag i Göteborgs Stad
(2015-11-04)Human rights is a broad concept which can be interpreted and implemented in many different ways. Human rights in public management is a growing research area, but many aspects are still not well researched. One of these ... -
Är ID-kontrollagen (2015:1073) i konflikt med flyktingarnas rättigheter?
(2017-12-06)In December 2015 the Swedish Parliament passed a law that gave the Government extensive rights to limit the high flow of refugees/migrants coming into Sweden that autumn. The impact of the law could potentially impact the ... -
Bare Life of Unaccompanied Children: A Critique on the Human Rights State-Centrism and the Right to Asylum in Sweden
(2018-09-25)The question of asylum seekers and refugee rights is one of the main examples which reveals the paradox of the citizen rights and human rights. This thesis aims to analyse the U-turn asylum policy of Sweden regarding ... -
Barns rätt till skydd och barns rätt till delaktighet - (o)förenliga rättigheter? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares beskrivningar av att arbeta med barn och ungas delaktighet vid LVU-ärenden
(2022-02-08)Several investigations and reports show that Swedish social services do not sufficiently provide children’s and young people’s right to participation in cases of care of young people (special provision) act. The aim of ... -
Bör sexköpslagen skärpas? En diskursanalys om straffpåföljden för sexköp.
(2022-06-03)The penalty of the Sex Purchase Act has almost exclusively resulted in fines for the accused perpetrator since it came into force in 1999. This despite that prison has always existed as an alternative sentencing. This study ... -
Categorization of Human Beings versus The Universality of Human Rights
(2014-09-05)The principle of non-discrimination is central to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the human rights discourse that surrounds it. The principle that no distinction should be made between people based on ... -
Changing Norms about Life Skills and Sexuality Education through Empowerment: A study of public secondary life skills teachers’ experiences and perceptions in Zanzibar
(2019-08-13)Formal life skills education, including topics related to sexuality, was developed in the 1990s to prevent HIV/AIDS as well as a method to strengthen ‘good’ behaviours among students in schools. In Zanzibar, life skills ... -
Closing the Gap: An interview study with Swedish newspaper publishers and editors on the lack of consistency between commitments on media and gender and actual representation
(2016-09-12)Women are grossly underrepresented as news subjects globally. This is a direct violation of the universal human right of freedom of expression, as well as a major hindrance to global sustainable development and societal ... -
The Convention on the Rights of the Child in practice: Social workers’ experience and acting space when implementing the Convention within the City of Gothenburg
(2023-01-26)The aim with this thesis is to examine how social workers, who work in short-term and long term residential housing activities within the City of Gothenburg and meet children in their work with adults, experience the ... -
Ensamkommande och försvunna barn är också rättighetsbärare – En analys av barnrättsperspektivet och sociala konstruktioner i uppdrag, kartläggning och åtgärdsförslag om ensamkommande barn som försvinner
(2019-09-20)In 2015, over 35 000 unaccompanied minors arrived in Sweden. As a result of a more strictly regulated migration policy and changes in legislation, some of them have deviated. The knowledge about deviation is low, whereupon ... -
Factors Influencing Child Trafficking: An analysis of cases reported in Ghana
(2018-09-25)Trafficking in persons is a global challenge. Several millions of victims are affected by trafficking annually. Most of these victims are children who are exploited sexually and into forced labour. There have been global ... -
”Det får ju inte drabba barnen” – en studie om villkor och mänskliga rättigheter inom ekonomiskt bistånd
(2017-12-06)Everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living according to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and cultural rights article 11. In Sweden, one way of working with the realization of this article is the ... -
Financialization and human rights abuses provoked by business: the case of Samarco disaster in Brazil
(2017-09-13)The aim of this study is to explore the implications of the financialization process on human rights compliance by business, based on an analysis of the Samarco case, in Brazil. In 2015, Samarco Company’s tailing dam ...