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dc.contributor.authorHolmgren, Martinasv
dc.contributor.authorPepic, Adisasv
dc.description.abstractSummary: This essay is about assessment for learning, what it is and how it affects pupils’ learning in school. Assessment for learning means that the assessment is a part of the teaching and that the pupils’ learning is in focus rather than the grade. When the purpose of an assessment is clear, the grade also becomes clearer. The intention of the essay is to study what kind of influence assessment for learning has on the pupils’ learning-process when working with LPP (Local Pedagogical Planning) and process-oriented writing with peer-assessment. Our main questions are: why is it important to know attainment target and purpose with a task? And which elements affects the education’s equal values? The material used in this essay is two projects carried out in an upper secondary school where LPP (Local Pedagogical Planning) and process-oriented writing with peer- assessment was used. Illeris and Säljö present two different theories of learning which we then use to discuss and problematize these two methods. As a support for the LPP we also used the current curriculum. Lökensgaard Hoel writes about process-oriented writing and peer-assessment, therefore we use her as a reference. As our main reference, presenting and discussing assessment for learning, we use Lundahl. The result of our research shows that assessment for learning effects the pupils’ learning in a positive way. Assessment for learning develops a deeper understanding about the learning process which increases the motivation and a strong motivation will automatically approve the pupils’ study results. An element that affects the equality of the teaching is that the teachers intend to understand and interpret the course objectives in different ways which means that their evaluation becomes different. Assessment for learning is an effective “tool” for the teachers’ pedagogical work. Good assessment and good teaching has the same destination, good development and good
dc.titleBedömning och lärandesv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs Universitet/Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapsv
dc.type.degreeStudent essaysv

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