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dc.contributor.authorKapetanovic, Almir
dc.contributor.authorFazlmmashhadi, Sepideh
dc.description.abstractAugmented Reality emerged from the field of Virtual Reality more than forty years ago and since then there has been many projects that have demonstrated how the technology can be used as an aiding tool for a wide range of tasks and procedures. Despite this there are very few empirical studies which focus on the practical implications and potential benefits of using Augmented Reality. The goal of this paper is to investigate the practical implications and potential benefits of applying Augmented Reality in the area of maintenance and repair procedures in the automotive industry. We interviewed Volvo Trucks employees working in the support network to capture their particular needs. The analysis revealed three interrelated themes in terms of perceived needs. This is followed by a discussion on how Augmented Reality could be used to address those needs. The paper provides insights on the possibilities of Augmented Reality application in the area of maintenance and repair. It also provides suggestions for future research in the field of AR in the automotive industry and
dc.subjectaugmented realitysv
dc.subjectaugmented reality benefitssv
dc.subjectaugmented reality applicationsv
dc.subjectaugmented reality in automotive industrysv
dc.titleEmpirical Study: Benefits and Practical Implications of Using Augmented Reality in the Automotive Industrysv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för data- och informationsteknikswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Computer Science and Engineeringeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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