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dc.contributor.authorIselius, Gabrielle
dc.contributor.authorOlsson, Maria
dc.description.abstractThis thesis looks at Brazil as a development actor in the framework of South-South Development Cooperation. By using a qualitative method of document analysis it aims at exploring how Brazil understands and presents its own position, with a focus on outlining basic conceptions, principles, and how their position relates to the international development community and partnering countries. The analysis is conducted deriving from theoretical tools and concepts of rhetoric, legitimacy, identity and a rights based approach to development. The conduction of a rhetorical analysis has highlighted the Brazilian claim for a different approach to development. In this context we find that the Brazilian position is motivated from a stance of perceiving existing development to be insufficient, and argued for in principles of e.g. solidarity, equal partnership and respect for sovereignty, but at the same time as a desire for expanded influence on a international arena. When analyzed in relation to identity and legitimacy the guiding principles for Brazil´s SSDC portrays a dynamic and twofold position in which Brazil cannot be identified fully to the South nor the North, but at the same time shows affinities, desire and capacity to relate with both. The findings further demonstrate that the Brazilian approach aligns to many of the essential elements of a rights based approach to development, while also pushes the understanding of the concept of ownership further in the aim to distance themselves from traditional donor-recipient relationship. In sum this thesis sheds light on some gaps in the debate on emerging donors, were Brazils engagement can be understood as standing as a perceived trustworthy partner in a rather silent but significant push for a new ways of development
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGlobala studiersv
dc.subjectBrazil, South-South Development Cooperation, Emerging Donors, Development, Aid, Rhetorical Analysis, Identity Construction, Legitimacy, a Rights Based Approachsv
dc.titleSouth-South Development Cooperation and the changing dynamics of Development Assistance: A study of Brazil´s positioning and identity as a partner for
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/School of Global Studieseng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för globala studierswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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