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Crying Rya: A Practitioner’s Narrative Through Hand Weaving
(2022-09-02)This research project examines a repeated focus on time and slowness that I have experienced over years in connection with my hand-weaving practice using the Scandinavian technique of rya. Research through my own studio ... -
Den klingande verklighetens föränderlighet: Mot ett vidgat gestaltningsutrymme
(2022-05-06)For artists, the impact of the symbols in a score on interpretational positions may on some occasions be experienced as problematic. This is especially the case for artists, experiencing the classical musical tradition to ... -
The Objectivity Laboratory: Propositions on Documentary Photography
(2022-03-21)At a moment in history when “post-truth” and “alternative facts” epitomize a political and media landscape that feeds on the circulation of doubt and distrust, The Objectivity Laboratory: Propositions on Documentary ... -
Geo-Aesthetical Discontent: Svalbard, the Guide and Post-Future Essayism
(2022-02-04)Propelled by the acute ecological crisis, Geo- Aesthetical Discontent: Svalbard, the Guide and Post-Future Essayism moves between artistic affinities and academic disciplines to craft an intervention into the imaginary of ... -
An Operatic Game Changer: The Opera Maker as Game Designer and the Potentials of Ludo-Immersive Opera
(2022-01-28)How can live-performed chamber operas be conceptualized as immersive games with interactive features? This artistic study has resulted in a system model through which degrees of immersion may be generated and analyzed from ... -
Designing Together: A Frugal Design Approach. Exploring Participatory Design in a Global North-South Cooperation Context
(2021-09-07)Since the turn of the millennium, participatory designers have increasingly begun to engage in collaborative research processes in the so-called Global South, targeting sustainable development. The quest is to take on ... -
Jazz in Worship and Worship in Jazz: Exploring the musical language of Liturgical, Sacred, and Spiritual Jazz in a Postsecular Age
(2021-05-21)The aim of this dissertation is to identify musical elements that contribute to the generation of religious meaning in jazz performance and to explore how religious experience can inspire jazz composition. In this study, ... -
Omsorg, välvilja och tystnadskultur – diskursiva dilemman och strategier i lärarutbildningens undervisningspraktik i musik mot yngre åldrar
(2021-03-17)The aim of this thesis is to critically scrutinize, identify and problematize discourses in music education within teacher education towards younger ages. The study explores how teaching practice and examinations in music ... -
Television Without Frontiers
(2021-02-04)Television Without Frontiers revolves around a TV experiment titled Eurikon, realized in 1982 in an effort to explore the possibility of developing a public service channel spanning the entirety of Western Europe and the ... -
Kommunikation i slöjd och hantverksbaserad undervisning
(2021-01-14)This thesis aims to explore and analyse the different ways in which handicraft [sloyd] teachers communicate when teaching action-based knowledge, and the consequences for communication of different forms of communication ... -
Vem vittnar för vittnet? - Det litterära verket som vittnesmål och översättning
(2020-11-06)Two brothers are riding the subway in Toronto. They have been spending some time in the city as guests of their family – aunts and cousins. Everyone is originally from Iran, but the brothers have lived most of their lives ... -
Noun to Verb: an investigation into the micro-politics of publishing through artistic practice
(2020-10-14)This practice-based inquiry explores the social and political agency of publishing by investigating the micro-politics of making and sharing knowledges from an intersectional feminist perspective. Whether "bound" or ... -
Circumscribing Tonality: Upper Secondary Music Students Learning the Circle of Fifths
(2020-09-29)The fundamental motivation for this research project is that listening is central to all musical activities, and that semiotic means for visualizing, representing, and conceptualizing music are central to educational ... -
Designing ‘for' and ‘with' ambiguity: actualising democratic processes in participatory design practices with children
(2020-05-14)In the last thirty years, there has been an increased interest in supporting children’s participation in society, where the results of these practices may or may not have contributed to more democratic outcomes. In this ... -
"Rörlig och stabil, bred och spetsig”. Kulturell reproduktion och strategier för breddat deltagande i den svenska kulturskolan
(2020-03-03)One point of departure of this study is the intensified national interest at the policy level in Swedish kulturskolor (Community Schools of Music and Arts) as an inclusive and accessible institution. Yet, the field can be ... -
Att göra plats för traditioner. Antagonism och kunskapsproduktion inom folk- och världsmusik
(2020-03-03)The aim of this thesis is to critically examine the educational area of folk and world music within higher education in Sweden, with a focus on questions of knowledge, power, and governance. The study is ethnographic and ... -
Orchestrating timbre – Unfolding processes of timbre and memory in improvisational piano performance
(2019-12-05)This doctoral thesis presents how the orchestration of timbre is investigated from a performer’s perspective as means to “unfold” improvisational processes. It is grounded in my practice as a pianist in the realm of ... -
World Wide Workshop: The Craft of Noticing
(2019-10-15)In my research, I consider craft as a discipline that is extremely elastic in terms of propositions and positions. Today craft exists in a highly dynamic space — what I will refer to as the World Wide Workshop — and is ... -
Melankoliska fragment: om essäfilm och tänkande
(2019-08-29)This artistic doctoral dissertation comprises the essay film Melancholy Fragments (73 min.) and the book Melancholy Fragments: On Essay Film and Thinking. In making the film I wanted to explore if and how an artistic ... -
Tvärsöver otysta tider: Att skriva genom Västerbottens och New Englands historier och språk tillsammans med texter av Susan Howe / Across Unquiet Times: Writing Through the Histories and Languages of Västerbotten and New England in the Company of Works by Susan Howe
(2019-04-09)Tvärsöver otysta tider / Across Unquiet Times is a dissertation within the field of literary composition. It is an investigation of the histories and languages of Västerbotten, in the north of Sweden, and New England, in ...